5 Phases of TRUTH + The World is Moving East (like our maufacturing did decades ago) + DataDump

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

The 5 Developmental Phases of TRUTH
I was calling these the 5 Levels of TRUTH but that sounded too hierarchical. There is no right or wrong, just different developmental phases of TRUTH. Humans growing up from infancy to adulthood (maturity of humans).

1.) Truth
Mainstream Media, Public School Systems, most of the information on the internet. This phase of Truth is what the majority of the collective on Earth shares. This is propagandized truth where most are unaware.
ex. Flat Earthers are crazy...

2.) Real Truth
This phase of Truth sounds kind of nuts to those in Phase 1 of TRUTH. Many consider this 'Alternative Media or News'. Marketed as non-propagandized truth (but in reality probably is propagandized). The people who discover this TRUTH have no idea that it is still proagandized but it is still fascinating and interesting information. Tend to take things literally.

ex. Flat Earth Movement believers.

Associated Names in Real Truth:
David Wilcock - https://divinecosmos.com/
Benjamin Fulford - https://benjaminfulford.net/
Drake Bailey - http://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/conspiracy/drake-bailey-a-coup-of-the-us-empire/

Plan to make everyone abundant.
-To distribute wealth on Earth in an even and fair way.
-Associated with Nesara, RV, St. Germain, white hats, investing in currencies.
-Chinese Dragon Families
Benevolent Families that help the poor be free.

Spirit Science Series

Zacharia Sitchins - Summarian Annunaki Fallen Angels

3.) Complex TRUTH
You have reached the third TRUTH Phase (phase 3) when you realize that The REAL TRUTH (phase 2) has been mimicked and duplicated by the A.I. and fed back to the people. It has all been copied.A.I. copies us so precisely that we cannot tell it is there. In order to not abolish itself the A.I. takes a little turn and if it convinces enough people to turn with it it will survive. This is a survival game for the A.I.
When we move through these first 3 phases we are talking about Quantum Thinking (or computing). There is nothing mysterious about it. You can execute Quantum Computing by asking yourself, 'can this bit of information be both true and false at the same time?'

ex. Does not see the Earth as Flat or Spherical. He sees it as a REALM.
In this phase of Truth, Earth cannot be placed (or most things) into a geometric design.

4.) Deep TRUTH
How you relate to all of it.
We learn/realize we are being contained by 'Beings' that we have not yet been told about.
Here we learn that the 'Beings' have abilities beyond what we have been taught or beyond what we know(suppressed technology).

5.) Incomprehensible (Uncomprehendable (i know it's not a word, but I like it))TRUTH
Who we are in relation to the aw, the Monad, the first source of life essence breath of life.
Earth is still in the process of being created right now. We have a shared reality. The controllers are you and me.

I plan on diving deeper into Phases 3 through 5 as more TRUTH is unveiled to us. It will make more sense.

The 'Event' - One two Punch:
1.)NK Rocket - North Korea fires another missile and now the corporate media and the war hawks are pushing the idea that the missile can reach America, did they already say this last time which turned out to be false.
2.) Cyber Attack on US Financial System - The second stage of the event has been set, the corporate media is reporting that the SWIFT system has been hacked and the hackers were able to take funds, this is a build up to the next event.

*Note: It appears that Trump (along w/Russia and China) are allowing NK to become nuclear to avoid regime change via the cabal.

*North Korean ICBM Able to Strike America? How to Avoid a Catastrophic Nuclear War
Reportedly, the missile test-fired Tuesday traveled nearly 1,000 km, reaching an altitude of 4,475 km, potentially able to reach US cities.
Defense Secretary Mattis said the missile was “higher…than any previous shot they have taken,” claiming it could strike “anywhere in the world.”
Trump responded tersely, saying we’ll “take care of it. It is a situation that we will handle.”

*SWIFT warns banks on cyber heists as hack sophistication grows
SWIFT, the global messaging system used to move trillions of dollars each day, warned banks on Wednesday that the threat of digital heists is on the rise as hackers use increasingly sophisticated tools and techniques to launch new attacks.

“Adversaries have advanced their knowledge,” SWIFT said in a 16-page report co-written with BAE Systems Plc’s (BAES.L) cyber security division. “No system can be assumed to be totally infallible, or immune to attack.”
The new report described an attack on an unidentified bank. Hackers spent several months inside the network of one customer, preparing for the eventual attack by stealing user credentials and monitoring the bank’s operations using software that recorded computer keystrokes and screenshots, the report said.
When they launched the attack in the middle of the night, the hackers installed additional malware that let them modify messaging software so they could bypass protocols for confirming the identity of the computer’s operator, according to the report.
The hackers then ordered payments sent to banks in other countries by copying pre-formatted payment requests into the messaging software, according to the report.
After the hackers ended the three-hour operation, they sought to hide their tracks by deleting records of their activity. They also tried to distract the bank’s security team by infecting dozens of other computers with ransomware that locked documents with an encryption key, the report said.
While SWIFT did not say how much money was taken, it said the bank quickly identified the fraudulent payments and arranged for the stolen funds to be frozen.

Russia & China Have Their Own SWIFT System Now

While You Were Sleeping The Chinese Yuan is Added to the IMF's SDR Basket - And the Central Bank Moves to China

Russia & China Stockpile Gold Reserves - Why Aren't We?

The World's New Trade Route - China 'One Belt, One Road' No Longer Goes Through The West

The ECB Comes Clean On Rising Rates and the Coming Systemic Reset

Data Dump:
Trump touts 'conspiracy' site - https://goo.gl/fpQA2Y
James O'Keefe (Project Veritas) Twitter - https://goo.gl/LdpgHH
Weinstein accused of sex trafficking - https://goo.gl/iTrLPF
Thanks for slavery, Hillary - https://goo.gl/LRZCYY
University class on aliens - https://goo.gl/FjwfdV
Latest dead doctor - https://goo.gl/pvfiao
Running QAnon 4chan Thread - https://goo.gl/idwZUQ
ThirdPhaseofMoon - Glows & Flashes over Utah & New York - https://goo.gl/anrSZ4
Space Junk Falls Over Canada - https://goo.gl/QyBNu8
Mystery Aircraft over Oregon - https://goo.gl/8hTVSz

U.S. Military Preparing for War in Space

Running Q posts on 4chan - https://goo.gl/FnnK2X
Podesta asked about pizzagate on Nov 29th - https://goo.gl/7SPe1y
NBC: Search for alien life stalling - https://goo.gl/Vu7yca
Newsweek: Fractals & Anti-Gravity "May need to rethink physics!" - https://goo.gl/vGxxRT
Russia Today: "Loud Booms!" - https://goo.gl/CfnoHT

New "WH Anon" Thread - https://goo.gl/tBnFp3
Running 4chan Q Thread - https://goo.gl/Jsrv2Q
Death of Joe Scarborough's Intern - https://goo.gl/HT2sNr
Judicial Watch Clinton/Lynch Releases - https://goo.gl/qusqPg
POTOS trolls Pelosi & Schumer - https://goo.gl/9GkdeS
DARPA Digging Underground - https://goo.gl/Xma2N6

Data Dump (Historical):
Smithsonian's Coverup of the Ancient GIANTS - Real History of America

'Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.'
~ Tyler Durden

'We Are One'