
Spot on Lyndsay .. After lots of tireless work from people like yourself the world is beginning to take notice of the plight of Palestinians. And now they're trying to declare any criticism of Israel to be illegal! you literally couldn't make this shit up!

Thanks for all your hardwork and for waking people up to the harsh realities of this world.

Yeah, I hear you, it's getting pretty insane out there...

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. -Voltaire

Our so-called "prime minister" in so-called "Canada" has gone even further, and committed us to fighting, ...... get this.... anti-zionism. Funny...we're in a "free country" yet not allowed to criticize a political ideology? Hmmm...


Thanks @lyndsayBowes and yes similar moves are happening here and all over Europe. These moments of synchronicity show a coherent and organised move for nothing happens by chance. In terms of Canada it's amazing how quickly Trudeau is moving from a smiling liberal to a thought facist. It seems the public allow you to get away with a lot if you have a nice smile and cry on camera every once in a while, Obama also springs to mind. The gulibilty of the public is nothing short of scary. Keep on fighting the good fight @lyndsaybowes for it really means something.

Yeah and it's sad to see everyone falling for the same shit over and over again..."oooh this time it will be different" "This party/president/prime mininster will really fix things" "I just have to vote differently" Yeah....VOTE HARDER...?? That should work hahahahhaaaa....fucking revolving door...

I'm just sitting here waiting for people to see it's the actual system which is corrupt. Anarchy/Voluntaryism is the answer...yet I'm not stupid enough to think we can achieve these things in my lifetime, all I can do is plant seeds, raise kids who understand the truth, and be the change in whatever small ways I can, to try and create a giving/gifting/bartering/trading, VOLUNTARY world in my small corner.

And yes, you're absolutely correct, it's a totally coordinated attack on BDS, worldwide.

You're dead right Lyndsay.
The hypocrisy of Israel and the plight of the Palestinians is horrendous.
I love your passion babe.

Thank you @tremendospercy for being WIDE AWAKE and for defending the Palestinians! Love you Bro!

Palestine was supposed to be a concern, we must not turn a blind eye on this

I have recently made the posting about Palestine

I could not believe - COULD NOT BELIEVE - that Rick and Morty actually touched on the Israel situation in last week's episode.

It passed in the blink of an eye. But it encapsulated so much of how voices in the media are terrified of speaking out about the situation in the middle east.

(Warning - gory cartoon robot-crocodile death in the clip below.)

Sure, this is a show that airs at 11:30 at night on Sunday on Cartoon Network - not a powerhouse of political reporting. But the fact that the character could even harbor doubts about the sanctity of Israel, and that the creators had the courage to make a joke about it...

I had to rewind the clip to make sure it had really happened.

That's a good find Winston!

To me it seemed like they were conditioning people to have a mental block against questioning it. Rick is quick to say he is not 'racist' and that he was drunk when he said that. You need to see the next episode too it has a lot of symbolism!

Yes @realconspiracies, I did see what you posted, it was after I saw this one...definitely throws a different perspective on things! I hope @WinstonAlden can pop by your page to check that blog out!

True statements....true statements...


Big love my friend xo :) <3

@lyndsaybowes thanks for supporting them , good work.

After finding out the truth (which is never shown on the mainstream media) it would be immoral for me to remain silent!

I think the Elite NWO have won. They are 1% and we are 99% and they are kicking our a$$. you got to hand it to them at least they have a plan and are carrying it out Brick by Brick. (freemason reference) IS RA EL , The zionist Jews look at us and think we are Useless Eaters Cattle Goy, I say Rise Up goyim before they have robots running around killing us all. Peace

I'll never give up that's for sure. Just keep telling everyone you know!

Im sure you have already but if not research The Greater IS RA EL project. Its playing out right now. Peace Im from Peterborough Ont. Nice to meet you

Yes, everyone should look up the "Greater Israel Project". Alls going just as planned...

Hey girl I'm with ya and glad you won't let up on this subject.

<3 <3 I'll never stop until the occupation ENDS.

bingo :)

Thanks for watching and for defending Palestinian freedom!

The World is a mess Lyndsay and God bless you.

Bless you too <3 <3 <3

It's crazy, the western countries put people to jail for crime which harms nobody and then they talk bad about North Korea. All nation states must die so we can live

Wise words.

True statement my friend, I support you now.
Free palestine.

For the benefit of peace, here is the truth about Israeli buses: Muslim women next to Jewish women.

From: //

From: //

The Truth about Israeli sidewalks:

From: //!/image/146634775.jpg_gen/derivatives/fullscreen_1104xAuto/146634775.jpg

but they call them , Citizen number two
and they also do this :

those are Israel citizens and they are so happy for the bombs on Palestinian children and people

and here is another animal act of Israel (Bombing) :

and here is Israel Soldiers in the borders , they shoot at people who have no guns and those people say Allah o Akbar which now that word became a funny word for some videos to make fun with it or make it look bad , but Allah o Akbar means : God is the Greatest , means you can shoot us , maybe nobody care about us but God is with us :

Israel people are also in Quran (Book of Islam) and in Quran says : Israel people which now they call them jews never did what their prophet (Moses) said , one time the prophet go to mountains and when he come back , he see that Israel people created a new god and they pray to that golden god , it was a sheep created with gold ... this is how it is in Quran , cause I saw some guys said Quran is Against Jews ... , Quran and also Muslims believe in Jesus , Moses and all prophets from the start , and this Religion as Muhammad said : it's the last religion and after it , there wont be another religion , and this religion will be upgraded version of older religions , and if you read it's book "Quran" you will see all stories of all Prophets , even from Adam and Eve till the end ... If I talk about Islam in here , this is not for advertising and this is just what it is , and cause I know it's blur for most of people , I just wanted them to know what is in Islam , it's not like hey people go become terrorists ... , quran is full of stories to make people understand what is bad and what is good , cause in those ages , people where so stupid , they buried their daughters , they had slaves and .... so Muhammad the prophet of Islam came to fix that.

Well said Davood, but don't even give this israel supporter the time of day, he literally gets off on trolling my Palestine posts. The conversations he gets on my page are the only conversations he has on Steemit. He's desperate for attention. Just ignore him, maybe one day he'll go away.

you are right , sometimes I see a comment and I give much information to a person like that , but I thought maybe someone believe his photos and don't see the hidden parts.

Yes, you are right, it's good for others to see.

I think the leaders of Israel have decided that the only they are going to be able to take the Palestinian land for their own use is by killing as many Palestinians as they can. I would not be sad if someone turned Tel Aviv into a melted pillar of sand. It might get their attention.

Referring to a list of world wide conflicts;

This grisly inventory finds the total number of deaths in conflicts since 1950 numbering about 85,000,000. Of that sum, the deaths in the Arab-Israeli conflict since 1950 include 32,000 deaths due to Arab state attacks and 19,000 due to Palestinian attacks, or 51,000 in all. Arabs make up roughly 35,000 of these dead and Jewish Israelis make up 16,000.

If you accept Hamas's figures for the recent Gaza wars, then add between 2,000 to 4,000 to the Palestinian(+Arab casualties) side. So it would be approximately 39,000 killed since 1950. Either way, it's silly to say that Israel is "killing as many Palestinians as they can."

These figures mean that deaths in Arab-Israeli fighting since 1950 amount to just 0.06 percent of the total number of deaths in all conflicts in that period. More graphically, only 1 out of about 1,700 persons killed in conflicts since 1950 has died due to Arab-Israeli fighting.

(Adding the 11,000 killed in the Israeli war of independence, 1947-49, made up of 5,000 Arabs and 6,000 Israeli Jews, does not significantly alter these figures.)

In a different perspective, some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel, or just 1 out of every 315 Muslim fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.

(1) Despite the relative non-lethality of the Arab-Israeli conflict, its renown, notoriety, complexity, and diplomatic centrality will probably give it continued out-sized importance in the global imagination. And Israel's reputation will continue to pay the price.


You on the other hand, are calling to G-d forbid; murder the 432,000 people in Tel Aviv, many of whom, are Arab-Israeli...

I didn't say that I was calling for murder, I just said that I wouldn't be sad if something happened. There is a difference, you know. God did that to Sodom and Gomorrah.
The Israelis have taken every inch of land that they could since 1947. They currently occupy a part of Syria, which means that they have invaded a piece of land that belongs to another sovereign nation. They have also reduced the size of Palestine by a large percentage by encroachment. The history of Israel since 1947 is long and bloody.

@amberyooper, don't even waste your breath on this guy, he never stops. He literally follows me to only comment pro israel shit on all of my posts about Palestine. If I say anything about the genocide, here comes the C word to spread his gospel.

I may address your points after, like how Syria attacked Israel illegally, therefore lost the Golan. Or how after Egypt's illegal attack and subsequent loss of the Sinai, which Israel later gave back for peace, or Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, proves that Israel doesn't "take every inch of land they could since 1947."

Since it came first though, will you admit that Israel's killing of approximately 39,000 Palestinians and Arabs (from the surrounding countries) in the wars, is hardly the same as what you said; "killing as many Palestinians as they can." That it pales in comparison to the 11 million Muslims killed mostly by other Muslims in the same period? (1950 to 2014) And that the Palestinians have killed about half as many Jews too?

Please forgive me, you're right, you didn't call for murder, though the difference between it and your hypothetical lack of sadness is negligible, and fascinatingly, just under the bar for incitement.

Israel's loss of land, as well as it's history goes back a few thousand years before 1947...

Of course, to be honest, I also wouldn't be sad if a large asteroid fell from space onto the heart of Washington D.C. that might clean up a lot of the mess in this country.

Typologies of Segregation (infographics)

This is the H-2 section of Hebron, where Palestinians must walk on separate sidewalks from Jews.

That is a border between two nations, with citizens of H1 on the left, citizens of H2 on the right. It is not a segregation wall in one country, to divide it's people. All people of Israel, Christians, Jews, Israeli-Arabs, and tourists may be on the right, whereas non Israeli Palestinians from H1 must go through a checkpoint before they can too. Though under dispute and more complicated, it is no different that the US / Canada border. Israelis don't get Palestinian authority benefits, like Canadians don't get US benefits.

Following the 1995 Oslo Agreement and subsequent 1997 Hebron Agreement, Palestinian cities were placed under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority, with the exception of Hebron, which was split into two sectors: H1 is controlled by the Palestinian Authority and H2 controlled by Israel.

The truth is that it is the Israelis (Jews) who may not enter H1 unless under Palestinian escort. While daily, thousands of Palestinians are allowed through border checkpoints into Israel.

Since the 1929 Hevron massacre, and on the Palestinian side, there are basically no Jews except those few escorted in for specific reasons, or during conflict. While there in Hevron, 30,000 Palestinians live and work in H2, as well as throughout Israel, the nearly 2 mil Arab-Israeli citizens, and hundreds of thousands of non Israeli Palestinian day workers, medical patients, or visitors, who use the same facilities as Jews do. The claim of apartheid is backwards, and it is just wrong to think of an international border, as a segregation wall. Though, since we're not used to those kinds of (disputed) borders, it makes for a convenient photo for people to make negative claims to those who do not understand.

Since showing me an international border but claiming it as a segregation wall is not a valid rebuttal, then under so called apartheid, what is the explanation of the photos I provided of Muslims and Jews next to each other on the same Israeli buses or sidewalks? I'm happy to provide the same of universities, hospitals, shopping malls, etc. Respectfully, can you show me photos of thousands of Jews, on any day, happily shopping in a mall in H1 or Gaza city? Or for the real crux of it, can you show me Jews being allowed to pray on the Temple Mount...?