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RE: Conspiracy "Theories" That Became Conspiracy FACTS

in #truth6 years ago (edited)

Wonderful, James, but you still have not found the real bottom of the rabbit hole on this one. It goes down a little deeper. Let me explain it.

You see, the whole point of the 911 psyop is lost if they don't tell the world it was a con job and show that there's nothing we or anyone else could do about it even if we know it was a conspiracy and coverup. They own us, and they need us to see it was a conspiracy, by leaving all those little obvious clues conspicuously lying around for us to find and scratch our heads over.

For example, think again about that BBC reporter Jane Standley telling us that WTC7 has fallen with the camera shot carefully framed to show us WTC7 still standing right over her left shoulder, exhibiting psychic foreknowledge of an event that had not happened yet. Do you really think that was a "blooper?" You're a fool if you do. It wasn't careless. It was a deliberate mistake. They want us to know. They need us to know. It was important. The chances of it being a mistake are too remote to even consider. That camera frame had to be carefully arranged to reach that result at that exact moment. Why did they have show the view out of the window in her background exactly positioned showing WTC7 at all? Why did they position her head just slightly to the right of center to allow us to view WTC7 over her shoulder? That's hard. That takes effort. How much more obvious did they have to make it? Stanley Kubrick himself couldn't have done a better job of direction and editing. And THEN pointing out it was WTC7 we are seeing just to make sure we didn't miss it. It was intentional. It tells us that the BBC was in on it and had foreknowledge. The only question I have is, how many retakes did it require to get it perfect? This one event by itself tells you all you need to know about 911. It's like saying, we duped you, sucka! [bbc.ht8.jpg] )

It's like the confidence game of the century, a Sting, in which we lost our country and all our civil rights and went into a perpetual warfare state so we could guard the opium crop in Afghanistan with our troops for no reason at all except to fund more off-the-shelf black operations in 75 countries around the world. The cell phones that somehow reached cell towers from planes at 35,000 feet altitude, the toasted cars, the buildings that turned to dust in midair, I-beams and all, the aluminum airplanes that somehow penetrated those steel-shell buildings going all the way through without being torn to pieces, the little hole in the Pentagon with no airplane parts, WTC7 collapsing without being hit by a plane, the no-investigation investigation and cover-up, that duping delight smirk on George W. Bush's face, the non-existent weapons of mass destruction, and so on. This took planning. We were supposed to see those discrepancies and experience a lesson in learned helplessness.

And even today, 17 years later, we can see that it doesn't matter what we think or how we all doubt the official story, the most grandiose of all possible approved conspiracy theories, the DHS still keeps us all under surveillance, we are sponsoring regime change in five countries and the Ukraine and Russia, and nothing is changing, they still keep bombarding us in the MSM with the same lies we are expected to swallow. 911 ushered in the post-truth era.

Don't you get it? That's the whole point. It doesn't matter if we are all wised up. It doesn't matter if we realize the unthinkable: our own government deliberately killed thousands of its own people in two major cities, even the heart of our military establishment at the Pentagon, in cold blood and got away with it and nobody's ever going to be indicted for treason or face the death penalty. It's never going to matter. What we think, what we believe, is irrelevant. They are telling us, they have all the power to do anything they want, anything, and we have none, and so whaddaya gonna do about it, baby?