One Day We All Shall Be Free, and True Peace on Earth There Will Be
(Painting depicting the Hebrew prophet Isaiah's vision of the Peaceful 'Kingdom of Heaven' on earth...)
Happy New Year, or maybe New Years Eve depending where in this crazy world you live! Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday. Another year has passed, another year looms ahead, and it is that time again when many people traditionally make an annual New Year's resolution. I haven't often taken part in this tradition in the past, but this year I would like to use this opportunity to share a vision for true peace on earth, for heaven on earth if you will, and then invite you to join me in resolving to do everything in our power as loving and compassionate human beings to begin creating this heaven on earth, to begin making this beautiful vision a reality, and to make 2019 the beginning of the end of the wretched world of darkness and the evil system which gave it life and which now rules this earth.
But why do this, you may ask; life's not all that bad after all, or maybe you think life could be much better but that there is nothing you (or anyone else for that matter) can do to make a meaningful difference.
For starters, those who can't see the problem are a part of the problem. Those who don't feel the darkness closing in with every passing day - the endless cycles of perpetual war, debt slavery, poverty, hate, fear, sickness and enslavement plaguing humanity, with the tyranny and oppression increasing every day - they are a part of the cause of this darkness. Those who think they are living in a relative heavenly state when in truth humanity has turned this beautiful earth so full of life into such a wretched hell full of death and destruction, these are the very ones creating hell on earth for the poor and oppressed. If you don't see a problem with the current state of affairs in this country (America), in the West in general so plagued with rampant materialism and this sick addiction to never-ending imperial wars of conquest, and in the world as a whole so full of orchestrated poverty and oppression, then you are blind and this post will likely not open your eyes.
But please feel free to watch the following 14 min. Christmas Eve show by Blackstone Intelligence, Christmas 2018: Finding Light in a Dark World, and maybe your eyes will be opened to how far and wide this darkness has permeated this world (and this doesn't even touch on the real depth of evil in the world, just a few surface symptoms of the root cause, but does touch on the solution which is TRUE LOVE FOR HUMANITY):
For everyone else who is sick of this dismal state of affairs, who sees the evil system of control closing in on humanity; there is much hope indeed, although the enemies of humanity have done everything in their power to convince us that there is nothing we can do to change it, that perpetual war and poverty and tyranny is inevitable and inescapable, but this is the most devastating lie ever told, which has for centuries been keeping humanity in bondage to this perpetual state of oppression and continues to do so to this very day. But it doesn't have to be that way.
I don't think most people realize how truly simple it can be to change the world for the better if we just visualize, believe and know that it is possible. We can't create heaven on earth if we don't believe it is possible, if we can't imagine it and envision it, if we are unable to first picture it. Until we do so and then also realize it can be a reality, it will always be impossible, and this is why for thousands of years the oppressed state of humanity has stayed about the same in the large scheme of things. Yes the kings of the earth and the rulers of the world, the religious leaders and the 'educated' professors will all say we have developed and evolved far beyond the days of primitive mankind, but this is simply not true; it is but the illusion to keep us plugged into the system, to keep us hooked up to the very matrix sucking our life energy and slowly killing humanity along with all other life and even the very planet sustaining us.
It doesn't matter the reason for the belief that heaven on earth is impossible, RIGHT NOW, IN OUR LIFETIMES; whether it is due to religious belief that man lives in a perpetually fallen sinful state doomed to await for salvation at some unspecified future time when God will come to save us and bring heaven to earth (or worse, thinking God will destroy earth and its inhabitants and take a select few 'believers' away to an unknown 'heaven' in outer space), or whether it is due to belief that the evil tyrants and warmongers and the system they serve is too powerful to defeat, the result is the same and that is that nothing much changes in the grand scheme of things.
So I just want to share a quick picture of this, in an ancient description, and in one of my favorite songs, and a quick personal Christmas story from this year, and I hope it will show you that we are not powerless as we are taught, that all is not hopeless and that we are not doomed to live in this state of worldwide human oppression. I hope you will see just how simple it really can be to begin creating peace on earth, to begin affecting positive change, and to usher in a new age where the reality of heaven on earth envisioned by so many prophets, sages and wise men of the past and present will finally be manifested. I hope this post inspires you just as the stories it contains have inspired me.
A picture and vision of heaven on earth, of true and lasting world peace
Approximately 2,500 years ago, the Hebrew prophet Isaiah had a beautiful vision of heaven on earth. It was simple, both the picture he painted and the action necessary to make this vision a reality. In this vision of heaven on earth, Isaiah describes a 'perfect world' in which the wolf and the lamb and the lion and the cattle all lie down in peace together, a world where true peace has triumphed over war and violence across the entire earth, a world in which the nations no longer "raise up sword against nation" and "neither shall they train for war anymore," where the entire population of sentient beings on the face of the earth will "neither harm nor destroy." (Isaiah 2:4, 11:6-9, Hebrew & Christian Bibles)
The action necessary to create this world peace is rather quite simple: For the nations of the earth to 'turn their weapons of war into farming tools' and the people of the earth to stop training for war. For as long as we are willing to kill each other for the benefit and greed of psychopaths who hate humanity or out of ignorance and fear, then world peace will not come, but will remain an impossible pipe dream. On the other hand, when "the knowledge of the Lord fills the whole earth" as Isaiah puts it, that is when humanity learns to truly love and embodies pure compassion which is our true and real nature, then peace will simply be. War cannot exist in the presence of infinite love and compassion, for war is the embodiment of hate, and is fueled by the fear which is the tool of the tyrants. We are slaves to our fear, and living in fear they have taught us how to hate.
However, when we free ourselves from the fear and refuse to continue signing up for war and killing each other for any reason, whether in the name of 'patriotism' or 'religion' or 'self defense', and we refuse to continue paying for war via taxes or supporting war via ideology, then peace will not only become possible, it will become inevitable and it will come fast. This is the truth the warmongers fear and are willing to kill in order to silence.
Most people probably see this beautiful vision as not only highly improbable but absolutely impossible; after all, even if humanity stopped killing each other, how would all the carnivores like lions and dogs and leopards and such survive without killing and eating other animals? Below is another picture painted of this beautiful vision which I share, and I know it is possible, as do many others.
Let me explain. My dog Pepper who sadly passed away a few months ago, and would have turned 10 years old this Christmas season, she used to chase chickens and probably would have killed them when she was a 'teenager' had I not trained her otherwise. It took some work before she was chicken-trained, but honestly it wasn't as difficult as I had expected, at which point she wouldn't chase them any longer. I could let her loose on the property we were staying on with the chickens and she wouldn't chase them, but she still wasn't exactly friendly with them. She would still keep her distance, and the chickens would keep their distance from her. So when I walked outside quite a few years later, on the property I currently live on with my own chickens, to the following sight, I was rather blown away:
At that point I knew this vision shared by Isaiah of animals living in absolute peace with each other was a literal reality, much more than just a dream but a real possibility which is simply not yet realized. The chickens were entirely comfortable and without fear, and so was Pepper, and there was peace between a 'predator' and the 'prey'. Here I was looking at a little slice of heaven on earth, and if this was possible, it was possible on a large scale across the whole earth.
A similar story unfolded with cats. Pepper used to be friends with cats until one day she met a cat who feared her and ran, and Pepper chased, and that was the end of Pepper being a good friend to cats. She wouldn't chase all cats, but gone were the days when I could trust her around cats in general, with only a select few she didn't seek to chase and harass. Until years later a roommate got a fearless female cat, and Pepper let it be, but they still weren't best friends or anything like that. One day said cat had a litter of three kittens. Some days later the kittens grew old enough to jump down from their home high up on a shelf in the storage room they were born in, and shortly after that, one day I walked down the hallway to find the three kittens curled up in between Pepper's front paws and snuggled against her chest, and Pepper was once again best friends to a cat, the one kitten we ended up keeping. Those two would play, chase each other as a game, were entirely comfortable with each other and it was amazing. Sadly both the mother cat and the kitten are now gone, and I can't find the pictures I took of the heartwarming moment when those tiny little kittens and that pup first bonded, but I will never forget the sight of the three little kittens sleeping in Pepper's 'arms'.
As I came to find out later, it turns out that some dog owners have even raised their dogs entirely on vegetarian diets from puppy-hood, and the dogs had long healthy lives at that, so the idea that 'carnivores' can't survive without meat is baloney. Hard to believe, yes, but not impossible. And now it should be possible to see that even with animals, peace on earth is an unrealized truth. It might take some hard work, we may not fully understand it, and it may take time, but we can get there and we must. Maybe if mankind stopped slaughtering all these innocent creatures by the thousands in commercial slaughterhouses around the world, and stopped caging them by the millions in conditions worse than convicted murderers, then maybe this would begin the path towards peace in the animal kingdom once again.
One thing is certain: We cannot honestly claim to desire peace and then turn around and support war, and fuel violence with our pocket-books, and demand slaughter with our choice of diet. Peace on earth is possible, while maybe the masses just don't want it, or more likely don't truly understand their role in the law of cause and effect and that their choices create peace or violence on a daily basis whether they realize it or not - the meat they buy and eat is a demand for animal slaughter, the taxes they pay to the government is funding war, and the votes they cast for the politicians whether right or left is their own personal endorsement of a lying, greedy psychopath in nearly every election.
Heaven on earth is very possible, we just have to begin creating it, and obviously to do so we must also stop creating 'hell'.
A Perfect World: The picture of heaven on earth painted in a song
The following song by K-Rino, Perfect World is another beautiful description of heaven on earth, and although K is a Muslim and I am not, I cannot disagree with a single line in the entire three verses worth of music in this song of pure truth. Highly recommended, the video below is even complete with lyrics, and I will also quote a select few lines as well, starting with the introduction:
Can you imagine a place, where all the trials and tribulations of the world, don't exist?
It's a real place, but right now it only exists in man's mind because, the reality of it is that, Until the time comes for you to get there, you can only picture it.
So what I wanna do, is try to give you a sneak preview of it, from my perception.
Watch this:
The question isn't if it's real, the question is, 'Is it a place or a condition?'
See heaven has a great description, but men exaggerate and create division,
Make up written lies and fabricate depictions.
So stop imagining and understand the basics.
Your placement in a heavenly state is self created.
That old statement, 'life is what you make it', is a true one.
Your old existence, erase it and replace it with a new one.
See years of resentment left your progress restricted.
New love can never move into your heart til' hate's evicted.
And this place that I've pictured,
Look inside if you're wondering where is it. You don't have to give your spirit up to visit.
A short & inspiring Christmas story
I was blessed to be able to spend the Christmas holiday with my family at my brother and his wife's house in North Carolina with their new baby (I guess that makes me an uncle now), and my parents and sister, so the whole family was together. I was broke this winter but my brother was kind enough to buy my ticket to fly from Montana to their place, so that was awesome. And here is the story.
We are all opening our gifts and then it comes time for us to all open our gifts from my sister. It isn't a usual or 'normal' gift, but I for one appreciated it more than she knows. Some people in this situation may have been mad or indifferent, but I was filled with joy when I realized what the gift was. Just a sheet of paper, but it was the words and the thought behind the gift that was important.
Instead of buying gifts for us, her gift was a donation which provided 420 meals and 280 snacks to the orphaned and vulnerable children at the Ovi Children's Hospital in Africa. Yes our family does have a special connection to Africa having spent quite a few years there, but this sort of gift was still a first. If you visit the website of this children's hospital,, you will see that it has a unique and inspiring story of its inception, and a very touching video of a young boy who was born crippled, who couldn't walk, who was told he never would be able to walk, and who against all odds, one day stood up and walked.
And this gift; it made me realize how easy, just how truly simple it would be for us here in America, for even just 50% or 25% of Americans to end world hunger for an entire year or maybe just a month with a few simple Christmas gifts. If enough of us simply used the holiday to give what we would have otherwise given to our friends and family to those around us who are truly in need - the homeless, the imprisoned, the orphans, the widows, the poor and needy, the starving populations in Africa and Yemen, all who are oppressed - then we could instantly create heaven on earth, even if only for a few days or weeks. But I am certain that would be enough to inspire others, and the selfless love and compassion would spread like a virus, just as the hate and fear and the materialism and greed has infected this country, and all the bombs and armies in the world would never be enough to stop it.
If all of our friends and family instead received a similar paper or receipt so-to-speak describing where the gift had gone, we would all begin to realize what it means to truly love again and would be shaken out of our drunken slumber, our state of spiritual blindness, and we would be forced to awaken to the truth that we are as a society selfish and materialistic, and we would realize that what that really means is we hate all of humanity which we don't have to look at, we hate the humanity who isn't our color or our countrymen or of our belief or religion. Because that is the sad truth of western society, at least here in America it is undeniable.
Not to say we shouldn't give gifts to our loved ones, and show them we care, but if we truly care about them, wouldn't we want them to know that there is a better way, that it is hypocritical to be celebrating the birth of the one called Jesus whose teachings were centered around selfless love and compassion for the poor and the oppressed, by giving fancy gifts to each other in nice homes while there are others who have no home, no gifts, no food, no hope. How can fundamentalist churches and Zionist Christians celebrate the birth of the 'Prince of Peace' on Christmas and then turn around the next week and support empire-building wars-for-profit in the name of patriotism and self defense which are in reality being waged for corporate profit and political power? It is insanity, and if we do not bring this madness to an end, it will no doubt bring us to ours.
This is about more than ideology or politics, religion or economy, shiny toys and mindless entertainment and job security, it's about the very destiny of humanity and of this planet, and far too many just simply don't seem to care. It's time for that to change. Let's resolve to start creating heaven on earth in 2019, and let us make it happen. One small step at a time.
Let us resolve to learn to love deeper - ourselves, our neighbors, complete strangers and even those we make out to be our enemies, and when we do we might just find that all of humanity is our friend. The only real Enemy is the one deceiving us (humanity) into killing each other on the battlefields of war and in countless other ways. Let us choose human freedom and justice over the chains which bind us to the perpetual slavery of tyranny, let us choose love rather than fear, forgiveness rather than revenge, mercy and not sacrifice, truth over pride, knowledge rather than ignorance, peace over bloodshed, and kindness rather than hate. Let us create heaven on earth, which in fact has already begun.
Stop Killing Our Friends:Let us create heaven on earth, not tomorrow, not next week or next month, not next year or next election, but right now, today in this moment, in every moment of every day with every breath we breathe and every action we take, because the powers who control this maniacal system of war and tyranny will never stop until we force them to, and love is the only way to bring down this wicked system of hate which feeds on fear, is fueled by greed, and rules by deception. We declare world peace, heaven on earth is a reality, so let's make it happen - 2019 is the year. On that note, below is a beautiful music video of a song by @lyndsaybowes,
Happy New Year everyone! Wishing light and love to all, and may 2019 be the year the evil Zionist cabal along with the entire global elite power structure begins to fall, and may the love of humanity rise in their place and create heaven on earth, and true lasting world peace.
Straight from the heart Jason, tears in my eyes the whole way through, I share your vision, I share your idea of how easy it could really be, to transition to real peace. All it takes, is a change of mind. One split second.
You really bless us with your writing, I sit here and wonder what we have done to deserve someone like you! Thank you for being on the blockchain. I'll be spreading your noble message far and wide.
:) Thanks Lyndsay! Same here with your song, brings tears to my eyes every time I watch that music video... Maybe my being censored & kicked off YouTube at the beginning of the year was a blessing in disguise, as I am quite happy to have found Steemit as well. I have met many great truth warriors in my short time here so far & overall seems like a kinder community than FB & YT (with a few exceptions of course)...
Thanks for all the support & encouragement you've given me on the platform and especially to the Truth in general. It will pay off one of these days, in fact I think it already is with the number of those awakening reaching the long awaited 'tipping point' imo. Maybe it's my optimism but seems the MSM really took a beating over 2018 and the masses seem ready for real change, for truth and peace. I can feel it in the air. Love will bring us there. Keep up what you do and happy new year!
Cheers, to all the good this new year will bring! The possibilities are endless...Love will indeed bring us there <3<3<3 Thank you for being a voice for the voiceless, and a visionary of a better way to live.
Hello. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what were you kicked off of You tube for?
21 Smoking Gun Clues of the Parkland False Flag PsyopDon't mind at all @thoughtrebel1984, thanks for asking! It was for exposing the Parkland school shooting false flag psyop & criticizing the anti-gun agenda of David Hogg & Co. I eventually put together a post on Steemit summarizing the findings of my 2 months of research entitled , if you're interested in checking it out the link is below:
It's funny, I had the thought recently, "why don't we all just declare world peace one day?"
It works with war, why not peace?
I'm going to be coming back to re read this later, you've articulated this idea in a nice clear way. 💗🙌
Thanks for the kind & encouraging comment, and your thoughts! Much appreciated. I believe the mass human consciousness is nearing readiness for world peace like never before in human history, as many are realizing the lies and false motives behind the perpetual war... Maybe I am just being overly optimistic though but I feel 2018 was a year of great awakening.
I do think you're onto something :) I know thoughts and words have far more power than most people realize. It's how the TV programs the masses. I think the simple act of declaring peace in both our minds & our hearts, and then in words, both written down and spoken will bring us much closer to this reality than most might imagine. I think the same goes with our refusal to consent - simply making it known in both thoughts & words that 'We Do Not Consent' with a system run completely contrary to the best interests of humanity weakens the system greatly.
"All felids, including domestic cats, are obligate carnivores. But, the cat is not alone in being a strict meat-eater. Other mammals that are classed as obligate carnivores include mink, tarsiers, dolphins, seals, sea lions and walruses, to name a few.² Non-mammal obligate carnivores include rainbow trout, salmon, hawks, eagles, crocodilians, many snakes and lizards and most amphibians.³"I have to quibble one little point, though: dogs are not obligate carnivores, but many animals are. From
Thanks for the info, I was not actually aware of this factoid. I shall look further into this, but deep down I still believe there is a way for man & animal to coexist in at least near perfect harmony & peace... Appreciate you sharing the link though.
I think of it as part of the natural harmony. Animals eat meat and plants; eventually if we are not eaten we'll be buried or burned and feed the soil, which will feed more plants, and it begins again. Everything is recycled in nature.
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Ways you can help the @informationwar!
Good article!
But i think, there is a big mistake, or i dont know, what is the correct word, im not a native english.
So you write, the people dont know, how powerful they are.
Its not true. They know it.
The people know exactly, how powerful they are. They know, how simple and easy to bring the changes, and they know, what have to do.
But they are dont want it. They are lazy, and they want convenient, not responsible and decisions.
We know the solutions all the problems of world and society. Just almost noone want to take the responsibility.
Speak and know about something, and DO something is two really different things. And doing is hard. This is the reason why not doing the masses nothing.
I agree, and think you are right that most people do know their true power, and deep down know they could fix the problems in the world, but I still think some people truly don't understand and honestly believe or at least feel as if they are helpless and powerless against the government and other oppressive systems of the world.
So very true! Your words bring a quote from the Matrix film to mind, don't know if you've seen it, but where Morpheus tells Neo "there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."

Take care.
Excellent movie, i like it :)
But i didnt remember this scene :)
And you are also right, lot of people have delusions about helpless and powerless. But i think, this is their faults, and i mean really faults. We are living in 2019, the internet giving to us ALL the knowledge about everything, for free.
And the world-population have average more hours tv-watching and smartphone tapping each day. If someone choosing the fool exist, that is also a decision. There is no real excuse.