THE TRUTH (April Fools Joke)

in #truth7 years ago

I’m sorry, I can’t do this anymore.

Almost 10 months ago, I joined Steemit with only one goal: To keep people from learning the truth. I wrote posts about vaccines, cancer, misguided conspiracy theorists, how to manipulate statistics and other topics. I drew in readers by writing fiction stories and then turned more and more scientific.

I am regarded as one of the most trustworthy people on the blockchain.

But it is all a lie. This is not me. This is me.

You see, I’m not even a woman. Everything you thought you knew about me was a lie.

I didn’t join Steemit to have a larger audience for my stories, and I didn’t stay for the community. I stayed because I was being paid for it. Not through the rewards on my posts, not mainly. Those were a nice pocket money.

But no, the real money came from Big Pharma. I’m a professional writer, who was hired by them to spread untruths, to support their standing and success in our world. And you people ate it up, happily! Believing my every word!!@suesa

The money I earned over the past few months would have been enough to let me live comfortable for the rest of my life.

But as Steem price dropped, so did the interest of Big Pharma. The Steem blockchain is getting less and less interesting for them, and they’ve been paying me less and less the past few weeks. You might have noticed that my posting frequency dropped. That’s not because I’m working on my “bachelor thesis”, it’s because I’m not paid well enough anymore to post daily.

And who of you believed the whole story about me being a biology student working on her bachelor’s degree anyways? I can’t believe anyone fell for that. Who has ever seen an undergraduate write like I did on this blog? Who lets ’s an undergraduate work with mice, or, even worse, CRISPR/Cas9?

I just said this to test my credibility. And you believed it.

With the declining support from Big Pharma, I slowly stopped seeing a reason to keep spreading their lies, especially because it has been hard on my consciousness. I know that, after publishing this post, I will be forced to go into hiding. You will probably not hear from me, ever again. I already started the process of powering down all my Steem Power, to have some funds.

I hope they won’t catch me, although I am almost certain that, one day, they will. They always do.

Nobody is safe.

And you most certainly aren’t either.

Be careful

~ “Suesa”