We are part of an interstitial race, in and out of bodies, spirit world and all that, Lived a billion times, Up and down through different levels of matter/vibration , within the different limitations and controls of the various physics at the different vibrational levels. 💫
I know on Steemit not many people are spiritual and awakened to the truth. But despite of this I am here to present you THE ULTIMATE TRUTH!
We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations and rituals created by humans, which was suppose to help people grow spiritually. Due to human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive and a tool for power struggle. Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simply a way of life, pure and original as was given by the Higher Consciousness of Creation. Spirituality is a network linking us to the Higher Consciousness of the universe, and each other.
When you study the phenomenology of the neurotheology of spiritual experiences and their intimate relationship with alternate states of counciousness within the most aboriginal of cultures and their respective belief systems you can understand that in its most practical and truest essence their spirituality was a way to understand the mysteries of the reality that surrounded them. By integrating latent information within the very counciousness itself they would be better suited to adapting to the negative energetic effects that survival in difficult places can bring especially the effects of malnutrition. Spirituality and the many belief systems that depend on it relied essentially on tapping into this information that many times exist within the many electromagnetic grids that exist on this earth and their connection with Gaia and all its natural resources. This helped humans find these resources in a more effective way. And so it began like that. As time passed humans developed their skills to recieve information that go beyond this earth and thus the many spiritual beliefs of beings from beyond the earth or other dimensions. Spirituality gave humans a way to understand the world and it's movements for the betterment of their survival. First as nomads and then as sedentary agricultural communities that later develop into towns, city, city states , civilization and their domination games that turn spirituality into a static dogmaitic mind control system funded by the state.
And people often opposes the truth and beliefs that are outside of their box...why?
Humanity is this Supreme Spiritual Race that was Prophesied by Mystics and Seers in Ancient Times and into Modern Times. Human Spirit is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe. There was a Great Galactic War for the Control of this Planet along time Ago.
The Energy Harvesters destroyed a Great Planet in our Galaxy with a Forbidden Weapon. Then they threatened to use it on Earth if opposing forces did not cease. The freewill zone of Earth was lost and Original Humanity was left to their Captors, even though young Humanity was very powerful and could manifest anything with their will.
So the Energy Harvesters had to be careful and use manipulation to have humanity defeat themselves. At first they came and showed young humanity all these technologies and biological wonders. These energy harvesters are Master Geneticists and can create great wonders with technology.
They told young humanity you to can be Gods like us but you must divide yourself. Humanity in it’s original form was energy, neither male nor female yet encompassing both energies. The energy harvesters had 2 medical spaceships, one had a Red Light and One had a Blue Light.
These ships created the bodies or biological conscious prisons that which encase the power of humanities spirit. They told humanity to divide its spirit and put one into the red spaceship and the other in the blue spaceship. After they came out they were encompassed in primitive male and female bodies. This is the Fall of Humanity. This is Original Sin, The Separation from God/Source, The Fall from Grace, The Exit from EDEN.
These bodies had a design purpose, they had a fear based vibrational design at it’s core. This fear vibration would further separate spirit from source taking away further of humanities power. Since they had this planet in their control they could manipulate the evolution process.
These bodies are built with the base brain structure called the reptilian cortex. This is the fight or flight center, this is the fear center, this is humanities base reaction instinct. The upgrades are helping humanity to over ride the fear program designed into them.
As our spirits began to evolve they would just introduce more left brained culture and technology such as language to further separate us from ourselves and each other. There has been a collective slowly containing this infection here. After the threat was contained to reasonable levels this Orion Collective started to visit Earth and abduct humanity.
These Abductions are DNA upgrades that include different DNA from Multiple Races from the Collective and the Universe. This is what Truly makes Humanity the Superior Race in the Universe. These Bodies were designed to be your prison, but now your prison will be your salvation once again.
These DNA upgrades are what is helping break the Fear program design in these biological conscious prisons/human bodies. These upgrades along with vibrational outside support to help energetically raise the spirit vibration of the Earth and those birthed from her consciousness are what is saving humanity from their conscious bondage.
Your religious stories you follow are loosely based off of this event that transpired to humanity so long ago. You definitely don’t have to believe me in anything I say. It’s not really meant for most of time now, but the future will understand it and Science will begin to Validate everything I say in my posts in my lifetime. They will even see that the Fabric of Space itself carries a DNA structure within it.
Fear is what they use to slow spiritual evolution. Fear nothing, you never die you just change into another life. The program of Attachment is what holds you back from your ultimate potentials.
When you do not fear death for yourself or anyone else, what is there left to fear? Living? Remember: Who you are! Look inside yourself through meditation and you will know.
Much love, light and blessings to everyone! 💚🌟💫
@invinciblelight 💫
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