I am sick of pussy footing around the snowflakes who claim to be Jewish and claim that everyone who speaks the truth about Israel is anti semitic.
Israel cannot suppress the internet, despite deactivating hundreds of Palestinian accounts and jailing their journalists and activists.
Zionists, Jewish and Christian, seem to think that opposing their regime and their disproportionate infiltration into all NATO governments is anti semitism.
Of course it isn't, not by any stretch of the imagination.
Most of them cannot prove that they are semites anyway!
Whereas the Palestinians CAN.
They are anti-goy and I object to THAT.
What shall we do?
Get a witch hunt going against them for their blatant hatred of US????
Then we would be as illogical as they are.
They can stick their stupid mind-warping up high in their rectal orifice.
This woman is not buying any more of their shit.
Is there one that isn't zionist controlled?
Which one?
thank you!
Maybe even America will wake up one day