Zionism is the world's problem. Religion is Statism. CONTROL!!

in #truth8 years ago

Religion is an impressive form of mind control to say the least.. These systems are tools used to to derail the individual from enlightenment, and prompt the seeking some sort of external supernal force.. when the kingdom of God is within.

And this word 'God', is no more than the dance in which spirit preforms into matter... Yes, it was first called YHVH or the tetragrammaton. The YHVH formula laid over the tetra-graph clearly express the first division of the seed of life, the seed to your life. The first metabolic division, creating the vesica pisces. The word 'God' is an addition to this YHVH formula, incorporating the circuitous aspect and teaching us about the Phi ratio and tier system that exists outside of space time, outside of the cubit.

The truth has been masked and used against us. We are the great spirit. Religion is our enemy, clutter is not our friend.

We are truly what lies behind closed eyelids.

Zionism is evil
star david seed.jpg

The turth is masked

Could you support a country of Christians killing others to preserve the Christian state? ohh, that happened in Germany.. Hitler.. wait... It's happening right now in Israel? WAKEUP!
cross flag.jpg


The seed of life is an interesting concept. I steer clear of it though. The only 'code' I see with merit is phi, but there is an interesting theory out there which puts modern science on its heels. If you want to check the 5-7th videos on my feed, I'd appreciate your thoughts (it's meant as a series though 1-11). But for the record, I believe God is within, but is also a being, and if there is such a being, I believe there would be guidelines given. I believe those guidelines are in the Bible.

Thank you for your engaged response. I have actually been working on an animation for over a year now, and it is almost complete. I think you will really enjoy it. I have discovered the true nature of God. which is Pi, Tao and Phi. I know that sounds pretty esoteric and strange, but I have managed to animated this amazing concept. The God formula is the veil in which spirit passes through. My study has changed my perception on God.. This is just a term which we seem to mix up with the Great Spirit, or the Higher Self. This 'being' or essence as I like to refer to it is all. it is the unified consciousness.. This just motivates me more to release my work. As you can see the comment above is very negative. This is because it is more than likely that Barncat is victim to the system. There is no religion that will teach you that you are 'God' or that you are the Great Spirit. 'Children of God' or something like 'his' subservients.

There is a great deception underway, and I think my work will greatly impact that. In order for the world to come together we much drop both state and religion. It is the only way, but nature is perfect and will have its way. The rise of the internet and cryptocurrency is a response to the dishomeostasis. nature is constantly perfecting chaos.

No, Zionism isn't evil. People who hate the Jews hate God.

How can you even say that... All religions(states) mask the true nature of God and reality, and create side-ism. Black, white, gays, straight, jews, anti-semitism, poor, rich, democrat or republican, joining any of these isolating groups is a distraction....... it's all a fucking head game.. and you feed into it. You seem to side with the Jews.. you've picked your side. I side with the human race and try to expose what is suppressing us, and if that means targeting zionist jews you bet your ass there is more to come. Open your eye please. There are two sides... your inner side which you were blessed with before you learned to read, write or talk.. let alone think... or their side, which has taught you how to think.. stop being a sheep.