In this video, I had the pleasure of interviewing @maxigan of TheCrowHouse.com about PizzaGate, his experiences with Ayahuasca, the co-opted alternative media, solutions, and much more!
Come hang out with both of us at Anarchapulco in just under 2 weeks!
(Filmed at Anarchapulco 2017)
I am an investigative journalist and liberty activist; a Lead Investigative Reporter for ActivistPost.com and the founder of the TheConsciousResistance.com & The Houston Free ThinkersThe Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1 and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2. I have also co-authored three books with @johnvibes:
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Thanks for posting . Love listening to Max speak as he can really open ones mind.
I've done video's on the Ayahuasca topics you discuss with Max. I've been down to Peru 3x for an apprenticeship with my Shipibo Maestro. The tourism was started by literally just 2 guys in the 90's. One of the 2 was a journalist that wrote for a big magazine..like BIG. After an article or 2 being written about it, BOOM, tourism abounds. I hung out with those 2. One runs a small(er) Ayahuasca center outside of Iquitos and the other runs trips from the states to the jungle, down the rivers to a tribe he has a special relationship with. I've seen the inside of the ayahuasca industry and it's full of fucked up people...and strangely enough, they've all drank, a lot. Ayahuasca doesn't change someone that doesn't want to do the work on themselves. Hell, Brujo's drink Ayahuasca and they're considered to be the "evil" wizards/sorcerers/witch doctors - doesn't make them any more morally sound or "enlightened" in a good way. Ayahuasca is BEAUTIFUL but she is generally a catalyst for the passajaro...she'll damn sure help people to shift their perspective. peace!!
Shift their perspective ....IF....they want to (gotta want it) and they're ready. With a shift in perspective can come the shattering of the paradigm. Not everybody's ready for that. She doesn't seem to give you more than you're ready for or can handle, although what she give us can be challenging as hell to integrate. Like WHEW!! The real work with Ayahuasca come AFTER the jungle, with the post Ayahuasca integrative work. That can pose no shortage of challenges as the layers fall away and you try to reintegrate yourself back into the Matrix, I mean WHOA MAMMA does that require some work...depending of course on how deep one goes....ask me how I know. :-) Some people just scratch the surface, like a rock skipping across a lake. Others, like me, more commonly experience being launched out into other realms/worlds with other beings and life forms. Telepathic communication, downloads, visions...all with the consciousness...I've been fully aware of it all...but my path has been that of an apprentice, so getting to the edge and pushing it's limits or jumping the hell off sometimes, comes with the territory.
Love max not listen to him in a while thanks for the reminder. Saw this when it came out great interview 💯🐒
my vid isnt working. would love to see it.