Apparently the “Solution” to Mass Shootings Is to Turn Schools Into Prisons

in #truth7 years ago

In response to last week’s shooting at a Florida high school, the state’s governor recently released his plans to make schools safer. Many of his proposals will indisputably serve to further turn schools into prisons, a trend that has been on the rise for years.

According to the Tampa Bay Times, Governor Rick Scott’s proposals include:

$450 million to put a law enforcement officer in every public school, and 1 officer for every 1,000 students by 2018 school year…

“— Increased Safe Schools funding to provide metal detectors, bulletproof glass, steel doors. Safety plans would be required before money would be spent…

“— Mandatory active shooter drills in all Florida schools by the fall 2018 semester.

“— New ‘See Something, Say Something’ hotline, website and mobile app.”

While other proposals include increasing mental health services, banning bump stocks, and some restrictions on gun purchases (as well as an explicit refusal to arm teachers), the push toward the heavy policing of schools is evident (Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel now says qualifying deputies will soon carry rifles on school grounds), and it is a natural progression from an ongoing nationwide shift.

From a 2012 paper published in the UCLA Law Review:

“Schools are increasingly allocating funds to become ‘well-policed fortresses,’ hiring police officers to conduct suspicionless searches of student belongings, instituting harsh disciplinary policies resulting in suspensions for relatively trivial offenses like dress code violations and profanity, and using extreme practices like mass strip searches and lock-down drills. While enhanced security measures—including the presence of school police officers—may potentially curb school crime and improve school culture if adequately implemented, these beneficial measures are not the ones that appear to be on the rise.”

“Rather, it is the draconian measures used to target minor rule violations that are expanding,” the paper explained, ultimately “making the education system and the criminal justice system increasingly difficult to distinguish in low-income, nonwhite communities.”

The schools themselves also resemble prisons, with students fenced in behind walls and increased surveillance pervading education institutions around the country, particularly among minority populations.

Unsurprisingly, there are numerous examples of violent, regimented tactics within schools, from the viral video of a police officer aggressively slamming a student in a desk for unruly behavior to a Pennsylvania school officer beating up a student and knocking out his teeth over the suspicion of stealing a phone.

The UCLA Law Review notes another example in which “police officers ….arrested six-year-old Desre’e for having a tantrum in her kindergarten class. Police arrested Desre’e and took her to the county jail, where they photographed her for a mug shot and charged her with one felony and two misdemeanors.”

Other examples include officers arresting a “five-year-old girl for misbehaving in kindergarten, a ten-year-old girl for carrying scissors in her school backpack, and twenty-five middle-school children for participating in a ‘food fight.’”

In San Bernardino, CA, the ACLU of Northern California noted, [b]etween 2005 and 2014, San Bernardino Unified School District police arrested over 30,000 students—mostly for minor violations such as graffiti and failure to abide by daytime curfews. In one incident, an officer choked, pepper sprayed, and beat a teen for hugging his girlfriend on campus.”

Considering the widespread trend of police officers using excessive force and pulling their guns and tasers on unarmed individuals, it is undoubtedly dangerous to propose “solutions” that require placing them increasingly in control of children.

Further, it is evident that the increased criminalization of schools has a particularly harmful effect on minority students — both psychologically and physically — ultimately strengthening the school-to-prison pipeline and fostering crime in other areas aside from highly-sensationalized mass shootings. As the ACLU pointed out, “[n]ational data revealed that an arrest doubles a high school student’s likelihood to drop out and subsequent court involvement further doubles that risk,” and this probability is all the more increased when police are ever-more present in schools.

Even aside from the blatant transformation of schools to prisons, between the rise in police officers and the imposition of metal detectors and random searches, the school system itself is highly regimented across all demographics.

Compulsory behavior from the pledge of allegiance to asking permission to use the restroom has long created a culture of submission that makes the addition of police officers and increased authoritarian measures seem like a natural progression. This is further reflected in the standardized curriculum, which for years has promoted blind nationalism in the image of the historical Prussian school system, which relied heavily on instilling “patriotism” and love of country in students. This patriotism in the United States characteristically demands obedience, whether in the form of “supporting the troops” and police or standing for the national anthem.

As the gun control debate rages on and much of the country argues over propositions to restrict gun rights, the school policy proposals coming about will undoubtedly work to restrict far broader freedoms — both in mind and body — clamping down on childhood and adolescence with the ever-encroaching police state while ignoring and simultaneously feeding into the United States’ deeply ingrained fetish for violence.

Written for @antimedia

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Every teacher, administrator & student at our boy's school is armed & well trained in the deadly use of each weapon they carry: a knife & a gun. There are also well trained attack for each student, teacher & administrator. Yes....we home school. Any would be attacker will find only hard targets here & hard as hell.

That's how I raised my sons.

Worked great.

Mabe we'll ban the schools. ???

We already did, when we homeschooled.

Homeschooling is growing very quickly, far more quickly than the population is. I recall a growth rate of 66% YOY, which demonstrates just how dissatisfied people are becoming with the indoctrination kids are subjected to.

Add now the hypersexualization and perversion of having trannies in clown makeup reading 'Donnie has two Daddies' to kids in Kindergarten, and brace yourself for the exponential growth in homeschooling by parents that care enough about their kids to protect them from that abuse.

I am glad to see so many taking personal responcibility for their childrens education & development. It's the best decision we made. Not just for our boys, but for our own education/development as parrents/individuals also.

I would be sore pressed to compile all I learned protecting my kids, but you're very right. It was transformative, and in the best of ways.

Unless I had kids that I endeavored to care for to the best of my abilities, I would never have learned of the endemic corruption in CPS, the courts, and myriad other institutions.

I already knew about schools, having served my time incarcerated in them.

Create a problem, so that the people demand a solution that you can give them that fits into your agenda. This is their agenda.
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I agree @daniarnold, and on a larger scale here are my further thoughts on it:

I think perhaps the most under appreciated and overlooked part of this discussion is "How, what, when, where, and why we got the public education system in the first place?" If we don't comprehend that, we cannot begin to see the bigger picture regarding what we are really seeing take place in The U.S. right now.

Until the masses have full comprehension of this, the rest is a moot point. If you are not aware of the Prussian Origins of our public education system, and the minds that concieved of it... you can start here and do your own research. The schools are a military function. Nothing to do with truly educating wholy developed fully realized human beings. One of the men who helped develop it made his living torturing babies to see what scared them. Yeah...

Thus, everything else we are seeing is part of that plan, including the fake news stories and false flags.

Also they (states) have been shadowbanning people from purchasing guns unlawfully for a very long time and what Scott has just done is brought it out into the open with a few amendments. I'm just sharing my awareness and thoughts in case it helps others to see the full picture so they don't get distracted by intentional distractions and continue to be divided and conquered at every turn. Hope it helps someone.

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LOL. Government schools are already prisons! ...and as is, the kids are "fish in a barrel". How about this solution from a private school? In effect, training the youth and faculty to become part of a WELL REGULATED MILITIA!

Take special note of the Jewish lady Union Hack whining about what they are doing. Why is it America's Jews, who are actually leading the charge for "gun control" don't learn the underlying cause of the Holocaust: LEGAL DISARMAMENT. Would it have happened if German Jews in the 1930s were armed and well trained in self-defense? Ironically, Israeli Jews seem to get this most basic tenet. WhassupWidDat?
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When I grew up most every kid I knew owned at least a hunting rifle.

When I raised my kids, they learned to shoot young, so they wouldn't make stupid mistakes later.

When they went to school, they had access to firearms every day, all day - cuz I homeschooled.

Strange there were no shootings...

I posted this in frustration... mainly because I don't give a rats ass what happens to the kids in government schools; their parasite parents be damned. But because this solution came from a private Christian school, it was particularly interesting to me. Homeschool has many advantages, but not everyone is cut out to teach a kid past 4th grade level. Praise Jesus you had the ability and desire.

Funny thing is, I didn't teach my kids squat. I just found ways for them to sate their thirst for knowledge. Think for a minute about what primarily drives children: they need to learn. They earnestly desire knowledge necessary to be effective adults--it's built into their genes. Just try and stop a kid from learning!

I but arranged venues and facilitated their ability to learn not just what they wanted to know, such as about Indians, astronomy, and etc., but maths (and why maths are good to know, such as fractions being necessary in carpentry), sociology (how to know when folks are trying to trick you into supporting them at significant cost to you) and similar essentials.

Worked great. Eventually, when they hit puberty, there were things I was incapable of teaching them, and I let them enroll in High School. Their exposure there, after their initial giddiness over the social experience, was critical in forming their aversion to institutionalization, and showed that their self-directed education was far superior to the indoctrination they would have been subjected to in public school.

As a single parent working construction full-time, and also refusing to let sitters raise my kids, I just took them to jobsites with me and paid them $10/hour to work. While technically illegal, I never once had a client object. They worked hard for their money, and folks respected them for it.

My kids haven't lived in the area now for years, but folks still remark on their character approvingly. I agree my kids are good people, and it's to their credit. I just didn't let institutions pervert their characters, and their natural tendencies were allowed to shine.

More folks should trust their kids.

Maybe a closer look at the mental health, and the pills they are pushing, should be higher on the agenda.

Solution. homeschool your children,because schools are prisons for children

George Orwell - Final Warning for 2018

quite timely as YT purges it's "list" of dissent.

please see post @ wahyudi42

Obviously, like many, I think they are severely mishandling the situation. Between officers and teachers being armed, I think this movement will result in more students being shot than saved; especially those of color and in low-income districts. I think, clearly, what we don't need is more guns anywhere near schools.

ah... fish in a barrel. Lovely prospect. But you are right on one thing: we don't need government "officers" anywhere near the place.

A well written post. Uv & Rs

Funny how school shootings seem to be more common just as a plan is suddenly 'ready to be instigated', and home schooling is being demonized.
You don't see malls get shot up, although lots of kids and unarmed people hang out there too.

Suddenly we see a plan to bring in officers to get kids to 'respect the uniform' from a young age and get used to conforming to orders and searches on a regular basis.

I am disgusted with this charade of protecting the kids when it is just furthering an obvious agenda.

Sounds like a solution to sell more guns.

I will Vote You At Witnnes (@steemboard)

The school shootings in the U.S.A. are a big problem and to be fair I have no idea what the best solution would be to prevent them. But what we have to remember is that just like with terrorism you need 1 crazy guy and 1 gun to cause mayhem. That's all and that is why these things are really hard to control.

Nope. One crazy guy with one gun won't do shit against an armed populace - except die trying.

Not long ago there was a shooting at a church in Texas. A guy killed the shooter. Why? Cuz he had a gun. You'd think this would alert people to the problem, which is that defenseless people are easy to kill.

Firearms are used more than 50x as often to prevent crimes than they are to commit them.

What causes school, church, and other random shootings is defenseless victims.

You don't seem like a violent psychopath. If you had a gun would you go out and kill a bunch of kids? Would your friends? No? Then you and your friends should have guns, IMHO, cuz when a crazy guy with a gun tried to kill people and you were there, you'd stop them from killing anyone. With your gun. That you, and your friends, and almost every single person you've ever met can be trusted to keep and use safely.

Disarming you won't disarm crazy people or criminals. Those people will be armed. Hell, they can print guns at home now. No need for a background check. Nothing will stop criminals from getting guns. Ever.

But you can stop them from killing anyone, if you're armed.

Get strapped. Do it for the children. Arm them too, and they can protect you.

I predict war, and soon. It always seems to follow in history from politically motivated armed gangs of thugs rioting in the streets, like the Brown Shirts in Germany before WWII, and Antifa and BLM today. Those armed gangs don't form spontaneously. They are created with the purpose of greasing the skids towards war.

Investments in guns, goats, and gold will pay handsomely then, but not as much as investing in good relationships with good neighbors.

Indeed, I think the fetish for violence in the US is much more developed than here in Europe. I mean, you have fsk10 films where people are murdering each other, but as soon as one can see a female breast, it's fsk18. It's absurd.

Also, I think one difference is that we (at least we germans/austrians) had to face the dark sides of our history after WW2, while in the US you are still celebrating the native american genocide with thanksgiving.

Good anti spaces of security in police duties in carrying out examination tasks, thank you an inspiration for us all, success for, @careywedler

There is not excuse for that action regardless of what happened before or after!

This does not surprise me, thankfully we don't have this in UK schools YET but we are getting there. In my experience schools are i can't think of the word but they are completely wrong. We need to teach children to their individual needs schools teach a one size fits all style and this does not work. Having Dyslexia and in schools in the 80's and 90's teachers just said I was a problem kid and I would get nowhere this attitude has not changed. Thankfully I am strong minded and my parent helped me. Now I have a degree and a good job. But those who can't put up a fight or have a good support network are shat on but schools!

We need to change this one only me and you can do this no one else! 💯🐒

It’s been like that in New York City schools for decades now. The schools where I grew up are pretty much indistinguishable from prisons.

Quite a problem - and it's wider than schools. TSA grope lines are another example. Significantly, so is gun control itself: its prior-restraint component treats law-abiding citizens as potential criminals. Just like "student control" treats kids as potential criminals.

What do all of these have in common? Rational-legal systems that expect the enforcers to act like strangers without street smarts. As is so often the case, adverted benefits ("disinterested") come with unadverted costs.

I think perhaps the most under appreciated and overlooked part of this discussion is "How, what, when, where, and why we got the public education system in the first place?" If we don't comprehend that, we cannot begin to see the bigger picture regarding what we are really seeing take place in The U.S. right now.

Until the masses have full comprehension of this, the rest is a moot point. If you are not aware of the Prussian Origins of our public education system, and the minds that concieved of it... you can start here and do your own research. The schools are a military function. Nothing to do with truly educating wholy developed fully realized human beings. One of the men who helped develop it made his living torturing babies to see what scared them. Yeah...

Thus, everything else we are seeing is part of that plan, including the fake news stories and false flags.

Also they (states) have been shadowbanning people from purchasing guns unlawfully for a very long time and what Scott has just done is brought it out into the open with a few amendments. I'm just sharing my awareness and thoughts in case it helps others to see the full picture so they don't get distracted by intentional distractions and continue to be divided and conquered at every turn. Hope it helps someone.

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How're people missing the most obviously abserd aspect of thier begging the "government" to keep the bad ole' guns away. These mass shootings are happening where the "government" has total controle over the environment & people. The "government" has failed to protect the students in schools where they controle everything. How on Earth can anyone think the "government" can keep guns off of the streets. Just like'll never happen. Stupid!

"...strengthening the school-to-prison pipeline..."

Yeah, as you pointed out later, they're skipping the pipeline, and just sending kids to prisons.

I find it very difficult to grasp the devolution that has been undertaken during my lifetime. When I was in High School I took my hunting rifle to school on the bus, kept it in my locker during class, and hiked home through the woods, hunting. I wasn't the only one.

Despite (or actually because of) the presence of armed students in my school, there were never shootings, or even threats of shootings. Of course, in Alaska we learned how to use firearms early, and well, so such shenanigans weren't even conceivable.

Such heartbreaking tragedies are only possible in people that have first had their minds broken.

Prison will do that to you, as will being drugged, bewildered with propaganda, hypersexualized, and gender confused. Actually, considering the horrible abuses across the board in all those categories that kids are subjected to now, I'm surprised so few of them crack and pop under the pressure.

Like @daniarnold says, it's problem, reaction, solution, the Hegelian Dialectic, being promulgated to ever more intolerable degree.

Seems likely to be for a purpose, to me. They've been angling for war for some time, that would reduce America to a wartorn hell-hole. If we keep letting them do this to our kids, they'll get it when our kids grow up to be psychopathic, tormented freaks that need to take revenge for the terrible wrongs done to them.

This needs to stop.

We need to stop it.
