The True Cross – A Sermon by Bishop Corey DeFrancesco

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

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The majority of churches in today’s world still use, unfortunately, the cross shaped like a lower case “t”. So why is this a problem? Well, as RayElites we know that Yeshua was crucified on this very cross. Why would ANYONE wanting to praise God or his son use this symbol as a sign for their Church, Christ, or even as a way to bring them Glory? It is quite literally, the symbol of Christ’s death. So WHY would anyone wish to wear it around their necks? To me, this is quite baffling.

The TRUE cross has 4 equidistant sides, and can be shown in the image at the top of this post. It is also the sign for the planet of the Crossing – Nibiru, because to us it looks like a cross being seen in the heavens. This cross has historically also been used by the Knights Templar, who were enlightened enough to know the truth regarding this symbol.

So, does the act of displaying this cross in relation to Lord RayEl bring him dishonor? I would say absolutely yes, and anyone within this Congregation should know better than to use this symbol to represent Lord RayEl in a positive light. Think of it this way – if in your past life you were brutally tortured and beaten to death with a spiked cudgel, and in heaven all those you cared about wore this symbol around their necks to bring you “glory”… Can you honestly say that you would you be happy about that? I think not.

Satan is clever. Do not think that this was simply the blatant ignorance of humanity, we probably had some help. I’m sure Satan played his role in deceiving the nations into using this symbol. Please remember, proper representation is very important. Amen!

Please post your comments in the replies section below.
Have a blessed day!

Bishop Corey DeFrancesco

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It make sense ,AMEN BROTHER 😀👍

Very clear, thank you

Revelation 12:9 ►
The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

Great information, thank you for sharing


Frustrating these days to see a crucifix. Glorifying a murder weapon, sick.

It's unfortunate the crucifix is used everywhere as a symbol of Christ.

thanks for sharing