Part 2: Planet Earth careened through space in its relentless path for billions of years...

in #trumped8 years ago

The catastrophic circumstances that face Earth right now, passed the tipping point ten years ago. That is when I started writing about it in my book titled, 'Boiling Point'. Back then, I suggested the only way to avoid experiencing a global disaster of epic proportions was to gather ten million voices made up of all elements of civilization, perhaps excluding politicians, those tied to the 'bigs' (big oil, big pharma, big textiles, big money, big government, big logging, big concrete, big paper, big meat raising , big coal and big chemicals plus several other smaller bigs.

The leaders and owners of these and other cash cows would trade the world's safety, resources and well-being for money and power. The only way to beat this group of power hungry criminals is to dilute their power with the power of agreement and activism, producing the power to influence change and force new laws to be inacted.

This group would include children, teachers, ethnic groups including indigenous peoples from around the world, business professionals, industry leaders, a cross section of the arts, trades people, medical workers and millions from all walks of life. All opinions would be treated equally and no predjudice would be tolerated.

I learned many years ago, that one hand-written letter to a political party was equivalent to 1,500 constituent's opinions. A letter writing campaign comprising 10,000 hand written letters would equal 15,000,000 opinions. This action, followed up with a phone campaign of the same number, would create more power than 50 million emails.

With much help and advice, I have created a 'Master-Coin'; GlobalRescueCoin. This coin will represent the Association, Global Rescue Alliance, the beginning of the ten million voices. All proceeds (100%) from this coin (internal unit initially) will go directly to the cause of Global Rescue projects. It will morph into a globally available coin within one year, at which time owners of the coin/unit will be able to trade up to the official coin.

It is also the father and mother of 12 new crypto-units/coins representing the 12 Associations covering the various aspects of Global Rescue. 100% of the proceeds from these coins will be dedicated to the causes they represent. These 12 elements are; Save Honey Bees, Save Earth's Coral, Millennial Super Food, Climate Matters, Adopt Wind & Solar, Replace Fossil Fuel, Human Rights & Justice, Help the Elderly, Green the Earth, Save Starving Children, Replenish Earth With Hemp and Protein is Life.

These 12 Associations come under the umbrella of Global Rescue and will be promoted by Global Rescue but each will be an independent coin/unit with its own website and personality. We will be launching the first of these coins this fall and hope to have them all active by December 31, 2017.

Please watch for parts 3 to six in this series on Global Rescue. Global Rescue Alliance is free to join and only requests support on issues but the decision to support a particular issue is entirely yours. http//

My next installation will be posted in 24 hours under the original title.

Norman J Ball
Global Rescue


and yet.
the earth is getting colder.
the poles are NOT melting.
oh my.

very nice sir