breaking news, most of the proteins are avaiable in plants... then it is just a question of refining it. Okay I may sucks at genetics, but in short dna > proteins > molecules... weed > a plant , hero > a plant, cocaine > a plant... find them, they are as old as the creation :).
Then it ask the question of fetanyl, again this a lie, there isn't one fetanil, because of the natural plants being illegal and for fun some research what is called designer drug, meaning that fetanyl can be 100x time stronger than hero, but still used for medical reason, while slightly moddified fetanyl can get to lethal does to a number so low that it can't be considered a drug when death is the only outcome, as so make it a poison and so making trump right in the sense that it can't be a "dealer" as the product will kill 100% of time with doses so low that skin contact with dust can be enough and as such justify that killing of those trading it and so making trump alleged statement reasonable. no I don't have reliable source, I wasn't there :).
Let me try again. What was Trump's statement that you have a problem with? I'm sorry, I have a biology degree from MIT but I cannot decode rambling sentences with 200 words. Please try again. I'm willing to listen.
Sweecee, it is not YOUR statement I don't understand, I get it, no earthly government can make God's plant kingdom illegal. I simply am trying to ask you to make a statement that starts with "President Trump is trying to pass a law that ..." so I know what it is you think he is trying to do.
Believe me, I am trying to work with you. I am simply not aware of what he is specifically doing that you oppose.