
Thanks for sharing. Good info!

Snopes is very accurate to gauge the veracity of something. If Snopes say no - you know it is so.

LOL LOL andy. priceless.
The Snopes guy left his wife for a hooker. True.

So? That's not relevant.

So its not relevant that the guy spent company money on hooker fact checkers? Vacations with former porn star secretary? Shouldn't Snopes be shut down for fraud? Using company money for personal pleasure? Should company money pay for vacations?

Just, W O W !!!!

Sean @sgtreport Good Stuff, just keep bringing it.........................

Interesting info, thanks for sharing, keep up the good work @sgtreport :)

Thank You, Very good post.

Pope is cutting a deal with the government of China so they can select their own bishops......

what time is the live broadcast

thanks for detailed news, upvoted , i hope the colonies will one day understand what is going on

When this all hits the general public, I can't imagine how that will be! Quite the learning curve!

Not to make excuses for any evil Rothschild, but getting stuck on the Black Forest is misleading. In fact, the estate that was sold by Rothschild's was in Austria (not Black Forest), and the infamous Grimms came from Hessen which is North of Frankfurt (not Black Forest). While yes, the Grimms were friends with a Carl Rothschild and their stories tell of unspeakable horrors, which probably did occur in some forest, but more likely near Kassel (where the Grimms actually lived, and where the Wewelsburg is not too far away).

For those who don't know, the Wewelsburg is the castle in which former US Army Intelligence officer Lt.Col. Michael Aquino (satanist and founder of Temple of Set) and admits to having done rituals while he was stationed in Germany.


"Indeed, a more detailed curriculum vitae that Aquino provided to EIR, dated March 1989, claimed that he had gotten his doctorate at the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1980, with his dissertation on "The Neutron Bomb." He listed 16 separate military schools that he attended during 1968-87, including advanced courses in "Psychological Operations" at the JFK Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and "Strategic Intelligence" at the Defense Intelligence College, at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C."

Also, there is the testimony of several German women that remember being abused at the Wewelsburg, some of whom suffer Dissociative identity disorder.

Red Pill for everyone. Keep up the work.