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RE: Meet Team Trump

in #trump8 years ago

unity1 - Please don't buy into the bogus idea that Hilary was rejected because she was woman. To say Hilary was no more corrupt than any President before her is practically the same as saying she was no more corrupt than any mobster or third world dictator before her and that is precisely why many people didn't vote for her. Given her long career in politics Hilary has had plenty of time to dirty her hands and people know this about her; whereas Trump, while also certainly a corrupt slime-ball, has the luxury of being perceived as a political outsider. Though many of his opponents thought his lack of political experience would be a weakness it was actually a strength at least in the minds of those who voted for him. Hillary supporters often write-off people's opposition to her as misogyny and yet these same people attribute no such anti-woman sexism to themselves when they viciously oppose and mock conservative female politicians like Sarah Palin, Theresa May or a Maggie Thatcher. This isn't to say that Palin, May or Thatcher aren't entirely worthy of opposition or mockery (indeed they are) but merely that cries of sexism, racism, etc have long served as convenient and selectively employed tools for silencing contrary political opinions. The left specifically have overspent this particular capital so much as to render it virtually impotent when employed on a vast portion of the masses and this was one of the primary factors that allowed for a Trump victory. Because of his crudity and unapologetic nature he was perceived as a super-being immune to the long employed techniques of politically correct thought control. In this sense he was a monster of the left's own making.

While the attack on Clinton from the alt-media was indeed brutal and consistent, the much larger well-funded establishment media (Fox news excluded) served as her constant and utterly shameless cheerleaders. While it is true the mainstream media did much to cover up or enable the crimes of Bush 1 and 2, they were far more savage (with the latter especially) than they ever were with Hillary Clinton. Additionally most of the alt-media as well as the so-called alt-right openly wear their utter distain for the Bush dynasty on their collective sleeve.

While you're probably right that Trump will change almost nothing, perhaps we can hope that the mainline media sanctioned, left leaning, conspiracy theorists are right and he is in the pocket of Putin, in which case it may at least mean that he will abandon the current strategy to destabilize Syria. Of course, given the above listed neocons in his corner that is probably a false hope.