Donald Trump is already making America great again

in #trump8 years ago (edited)

It's been now 2 weeks since the greatest election in the history of the United States. Sorry for being sarcastic, but haven’t you enjoyed the media hype and the mud throwing during the election debates? Not to Mention that we have a president that love to grab pussycats…I wonder if Monica Lewinsky will apply again for a white house internship.

Ok, let me be serious for a moment Mr. Trump has won the elections and no the world hasn't gone into chaos. On contrary the stock markets seems to have taken the news with open arms. Since Trump has won there has been only a very short term fear and anxiety on the stock exchange. But as soon as Trump gave his first speech everyone calmed down and the markets has gone up ever since.

Is this normal? Am I the only one that finds this odd? I have been following the stock exchange for a long period of time. And after BREXIT I started to look closer at the US elections and it showed the same kind of patterns like the BREXIT surprise. Don’t let the media fool you, but don’t think that you can win from the big boys.

So, I was following the hype and I thought there will be a surprise just like BREXIT. And since every time Trump was leading the poles the markets reacted negatively I decided to throw some money at the stock markets betting that the markets will go down after a Trump win.

And I was right...big HOORAYS for me!!! I will at least make some profit on this historical election. WRONG!!! It lasted not even 24h and my positions were down. Donald Trump first speech was so calm and presidential, that the markets reacted positively to the news.

Okay wait a minute…how can people change their minds so quick. First all the media was against him and now he is really going to make America great again. If we look at the stock markets the answer is yes, since the stock markets are the reflection of a progressing economy.

Well all is okay the stocks are up again and we are all doing great. It doesn’t matter that all the countries in the world are drowning in debt or that we have negative interest rates...nope all is A-okay. As long as everyone thinks that everything is fine nothing will happen…ow ok ok…what a relief! I will go back to watch the prime time news and the media propaganda and start following the herd.

Thank you Mr. Trump you’ve made America great again and you haven’t even started your presidential term yet.


Quento, you and I are loc-sync in procedural expectations bro. I thought Trump would win, purchased calls on precious metals and bought SDS (shorting the S&P 500). Sold off precious metals calls the morning of 11/9, banked.
If your position(s) which are short the market are still in play, I'm guessing the fed will raise rates by 250 basis points this December (up 0.25%). If I'm right, this will crush the markets just like Dec 2015. You bank, I bank, re-assess afterwards for the next move.
Love you, miss you, happy to see you at Steemfest, see you in Louisiana at Neil's event.
Until then,take care brother.

Hey Brother, we are indeed in sync! And yes I still have some open positions, so I will be having a close eye on the December Fed announcement. Will it be a surprise again :O
Looking forward to see you and catch up in Louisiana bro!


This is going to be such a gas; the Master of Propaganda, Bigotry, Fear, Lies and Hate is going to heal the nation . . .

If it was not so hypocritical it would be pathetic; well the trailer trash wanted the job, let us see what he does with it ; NOT ! ! !

I wonder also how long they can keep up with this propaganda.
If the hate turn into rage and riots the FEMA camps will come in handy. Hope that it doesn't have to go that far, but all the plans in infrastructure are in place...

This is gonna be so kool to watch; people and their crazy voting has put the MOH in charge : )

Well it wanted the job, now it has the job; let us see what it does with its chance to "save america" ;)

T3 ran a campaign of propaganda, fear, lies and hate now we will see how it plays out; it is always the innocents like the american public who pay the price of madness. This time they voted for it :)

This is gonna be such a gas ! ! !

MOH = Master Of Hate . . .
T3 = Trailer Trash Trump . . .

Optimistically they will allow the economy to boom. But hey, it’s THEIR call!Fascinating post @qeysolutions. This is so true. The big brothers are still in control. I wonder what their next move is.

So true @diamondinform, big brother is in control. I am watching the show from the sidelines ;))

I like what I'm seeing but the Stock Market is a poor indicator of anything. On any given day, it could tank like the Titanic. I'm truly upbeat about Mr. Trump's election. Let's face it, for the most part our economy and country has been more or less stagnate dating all the way back to 9/11. It's time to boom!

Hey @palstar7, it's indeed time to boom. Let's hope it will happen!