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RE: Trump was RIGHT about Voter Fraud - The enemy distroyed herself!!

in #trump6 years ago

Zero evidence of voter fraud. This is getting old.

Still waiting for evidence to back up Trump’s claim that millions of illegal votes were cast in 2016.


Thank you for your response, I didn't vote for Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton or Bush I think trump is right this time in my opinion... but i stand corrected-I should wait for the verdict.

I may have made a mistake but i thought Brenda was found committing a fraud in 2016 judging by your response I am making a mistake? As for Trumps "millions' I always taken his style of speaking as exaggerated- one of his favorite phrases is "Really Great" my response is always - right

Here is an update on possible voter fraud skip to 5:33 you may be right, there may be no fraud