It is not actually a trump claim

in #trump6 years ago

kim-trump-1.jpgDonald Trump never misses the credit for taking any credit for any topic. Recently, for the second time, he demanded to resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis. But in reality it is still a big threat. After the historic meeting last month with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, he demanded to resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis. But a few weeks later, North Korea still remains a major nuclear threat for the world.

Meanwhile, the US administration has detained thousands of families for illegal immigration.

Trump has been widely criticized. Later, he wanted to solve the issue by an executive order passed by the pen. Then he kept his credit to solve the crisis caused by this. But the crisis is getting deeper because of not arranging for reconciliation among already separated families. The US administration did not even tell the exact number of families separated and their children.

Though the two are different, they represent the real nature of the White House. This explains that President Trump really loves to take his credit without doing any work.

After meeting with Kim Jong Un, President Trump announced his victory in the United States after the victory. On Twitter, he returned to the country only after a long tour. But everyone is more secure now. There is no threat to any nuclear attack from North Korea. Trump sums up the success story of his visit. Try to present the meeting with Kim as much as possible 'historical success'. But that announcement was absolutely incomprehensible. There was no definite outline of North Korean nuclear disarmament to the agreement signed with Kim. It was just an initial step. Later, the administration also said that North Korea is still a big nuclear threat. Foreign Minister Mike Pompe also said the same thing. He laid emphasis on determining the more specific outline of nuclear disarmament. On the other hand, North Korea is continuously pursuing their nuclear program. Still not restrained Trump Recently, again speaking rhetorical He claimed the achievement of fighting nuclear war.

Social media said that good talks are going on with North Korea. North Korea did not carry out any missile tests in 8 months. Everyone in Asia is very excited. However, the opposition could not be satisfied only. They are complaining about various false news. If I did not, the United States would now have fought with North Korea.

Meanwhile, immigrant children were detained from the family, detained near the Mexico border. The US administration has delayed understanding its moral defects in this case. This led to the creation of a volatile environment in the country. Later, Trump retreated from his decision.

We are going to get a very strong border. At the same time, we are trying to put together families. I do not like the idea of ​​separating the family. So we planned to keep families together. This will solve the crisis. Then he signed an executive order. The order to separate the immigrant families has been postponed. Earlier, he did not open his mouth to the isolated families.

But still there is a crisis of isolated migrant families. In order to trim the executive order, a new migrant child is ordered to not be separated from the family. Although there is a possibility of joining trump families, there is no evidence that the administration has yet reconciled in an isolated family. Even this week, the government has said that they divide more children than the previously estimated number of children. However, before the execution of its announcement, Trump took the reunion of isolated families.

These are just recent events. Trump tried to get credit for many other things this year. However, recent incidents are a little exception. In this case, he is trying to take credit for such a thing, in reality he does not claim any credit.


@lookme tell me honestly you think any president is given due credit?

Obama was credited to endless lists, yet had little to no participation in an event.

Like GITMO, he pledged to free prisoners and close the facility. Yet, in fact on the other hand released fewest prisoners 242 to be exact over 8 years.

He also didnt mind taking credit for ACA. Which he didnt author, Romney and some jerk did.

He claimed to have had a hand in killing Osama Bin Laden, when in fact he was dead 6 yrs before the event.

You complain about families being seperated yet everyday 170 families are torn from their families due to no wrong doing of their own. Some are handicapped, others are poor. Nobody should be seperated from families. I dont see you raising awareness about this. Seems hypocritical.

But people that are coming to our borders and abandoning their children for the sake of "them having a better future" is a criminal act. Those kids could die there.

I say lets stop playing blame game and egotistical crap and start fixing the problems.