It is election day in Alabama and Trump is using his tweets to model how we should treat one another. I'm amazed at how much he sacrifices political and policy matters that face us daily to focus on showing our sons and daughters what it is to respectful and kind, and, dare I say it .... American. He is a role model for evangelicals who remember Judas fondly as the person who helped get the apocalyptic vision and tradition some traction. We are hastening the rapture here in America. Right on, Donald! Show our children how to treat one another. You are great..... nay, you are greater than great. You are the man I want in the girls' locker room. So much to grab! You are so famous. Believe me. Famous. "The best a man get get." You are the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Believe me! More truthful that the truth.