Yup. I've seen the flip in FP from Obama 2014 to 2018 as a flip of Deep State power. Anti-China spooks were in during the Obama years, so we woo Russia. 2016 the anti-Russian spooks took charge, so we pressure Russia.
But I really don't get how pressuring Russia damages the Russia / China relationship. I don't get it, like at all.
Yes, "the pivot to Asia" started during the Obama years. The president has changed but deep state foreign policy has not. Trump is just as much a puppet of the MIC as Obama was.
Caity's article about China and Russiagate can be read here: https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/russiagate-isnt-about-trump-and-it-isn-t-even-ultimately-about-russia-3d9021ba3d8c