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RE: Trump proposes eliminating federal funding for PBS, NPR

in #trump7 years ago

you know, i would have been sickened by this when pbs played educational programming and good british programming, fun stuff that was unusual or difficult to find. now they are actually selling self help books by self help gurus. it has become a sham. so while i am opposed to taking their funding away, i am even more opposed with what is being done with those funds by the current corporate shills - brought to you through a proud joint sponsorship of seimens and haliburton. as for national puppet radio - there could not be a more fear-mongering, russia baiting public mouthpiece, which makes sense as it is literally a us propaganda station in at least as much a way rt is a russian propaganda station. cutting funds is an issue, yes - but these institutions have been co-opted by corporate interests, and neither serves the public in any true fashion with regard to world event news or culture. again i don't support cutting or destroying them, but they need to get back to their original charters if they are going to demand support of the people.