I'm afraid!

in #trump6 years ago

I am feeling tired!

Every morning I am bombarded by the things he does, says, implies, threatens. 

Every morning I am bombarded by the anger and rage that reaction to him brings with it. 

Every morning I become part of the problem, by sharing and commenting and becoming part of the angry discourse.

I am feeling tired. 

I also care!

I care about what he's done, said, threatened, implied.

I care about the world we are leaving our children, even though I have none of my own.

Because your children are my children. Our society's children. Our future!

I care about them.

I am frightened!

Frightened of the sea levels and air quality.

Frightened of the rise in cancers and allergies and pollution that poisons us.

Your children, grand children, and those of your brothers and sisters will live with it.

And it frightens me.

Should I not care?

Should my heart become so small as to give up hope?

Should my soul whither and die in order to not give thought to what is happening around me?

Can I not care?

Can I?

I am certain!

Certain that I simply cannot stop caring.

Certain that even though they are not mine, your children are important to me.

Certain that we will not be forgiven, not by them, and not by the divine powers that see us.

Of that I am certain.

And I cannot stand it.