Donald Trump's "Grab Them by The Pussy " comment was crude lewd and way rude but guess what. There are a lot of Women out there who will show their face on T.V and Claim Bill Clinton "grabbed them by the pussy" and raped them. at-least in the Trump story he doesn't actually rape the married woman he sexually assaulted by groping her. At-least Trump did not have Hilary Clinton threaten that woman in to silence. Isn't it sad that Obama and the DNC rigged the primaries so now we have this evil sociopath Clinton and Trumps racist, misogynistic ignorance to choose from. If it is a #lesserevil vote you are going for, at this point that seems to be Trump.
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Trump is awaiting trial for raping a 13yo girl, and has been accused by his then-wife of rape. Plus while women might accuse Bill of sexual assault, Trump personally admitted to it because "locker room talk."
But perhaps more importantly, why are you holding something Bill might be accused of against Hillary? Bill is not running for President.
As opposed to the guy who raped a 12yo? You think supporting one's husband is worse than raping a child and you claim Hillary has no soul?
Donny has made such a disgrace of the Presidency. I know Professional Politicians are Vermin but at least they try and appear to have a brain.
What little image America still had has been dragged down into the gutter and crapped upon. I cannot imagine how anyone could go to so much effort to bring disgrace upon their country and how someone can have so little self respect to act like this.
Truly Donny has done a lot to promote terrorist extremism, Communism and Anarchy simply be destroying what little pretense at respectability within the democratic process.
When people of good conscious lose hope they will try and go with any crazy guy with a weird haircut; history has proved that many times ! ! !
Trump is what the realpolitik would consider to be a "staged opposition" - and he's being used to discredit the entire conservative as purely self-interested white nationalists. In turn, the Dems have shifted pretty far to the right (fiscally) over the last 40 years.