On Wednesday, President Trump signed the new sanctions on Iran, North Korea, and Russia into law after both houses of the Congress passed the bill with an overwhelming majority, leaving the President no option but to sign it into law even if it curbs his power in the matters of foreign policy. As the criticism over these new sanctions grow across the world with some calling Trump, a puppet to Congress, the President is likely to intensify his war with Capitol Hill as the lawmakers tend to derail his political agenda and campaign promises.
He has been at war with his own party establishment, even during his Presidential campaign. Mr. Trump proved his critics wrong and won many internal battles then but it was easy as the candidate Trump didn’t have to face the bureaucracy of the Presidency.
After signing the bill yesterday, he took to Twitter today to lash out at Congress. He said, “Our relationship with Russia is at an all-time & very dangerous low. You can thank Congress, the same people that cant even give us HCare!”
Maybe one Trump just isn't enough. I'd give you a hat, but here's an upvote. Enjoy!