Picking winners with carrots and sticks.

in #trump5 years ago


This remark by Trump is very disappointing to me. Is he going to go around punishing companies who are trying to compete in a global marketplace? Are smaller profits now patriotic in his book? Isn't that the same kind of nonsense we heard from the Left about people who weren't willing to accept smaller paychecks because of high taxes? He owns stock in many companies. Is he going to be patriotic and hold onto stocks that tank but which don't expand or move any jobs out of our country?

How about instead of punishing companies which are simply making comparative decisions to pursue higher profits, we make America a comparatively better place to do business? Instead of spending time and resources vilifying companies who increase profits by operating overseas, how about we stop making it so hard to profitable here at home?

This remark shows not only that he does not understand why companies are moving jobs out of America in the first place, it shows he has a (I'll not use the f-word) perverted view of what the role of government should be in the marketplace.

I thought Trump said he was going to end the crony-capitalism that chooses winners and losers with special tax breaks and favourable regulatory treatment. But we saved some jobs! Hooray for fascism!

The role of government is to be an unbiased referee on a level playing field rather than an active participant. Fascism is essentially the government picking winners and losers with carrots and sticks.


I often use the Field of Dreams analogy: If you build a more hospitable business climate, the businesses will come.
These intimidation tactics don't look hospitable, they look hostile to business, and are surely to send shivers down the spine of companies who are considering any kind of expansion.

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.
— Benito Mussolini
