hanief: I voted for him because HELLary would have been the path to The Hunger Games, chock full of Drone attacks on our homes and churches for "hate speech"; Waco on steroids! But it turns out, with the GeoEngineered "hurricanes" and the D.E.W. fires in CA, we actually have worse.... And the LAST thing I wanted to see was the LP getting stuck with the indelible elephantShitStains of Johnson and Weld becoming known as "libertarians".
Wake up, Libertarian Party. Your chance is here and now. Imagine how easy it will be to run against Okra and The Donald. aaahahahaha. Adam would eat those two actors for lunch on that debate stage. Help us organize to get him there. LCharles14@yahoo.com and I'll explain how. Anyone. Anytime.
I fail to see the differance gun control amd more taxes
and more spending... and more debt. Swamp isn't even being filtered, no less being drained.