The Trump Effect

in #trump7 years ago

He got electeted, now the way that trump got elected is at least controversial, with a voting system dating back to the French Revolution. But the same voting system that Obama got elected with, so I think that it is very hypocryte from the Democrats to critisize their voting system.

We all agree it needs to be changed, modernised, but we have to think that democracy is not standard everywhere. Remember that democracy was once something that only bearded men that were citizens of Athens could practice. It has evolved into the decocracies that we have today, different flavours of democracy. India is in fact the worlds largest democracy.

That the demoracy of the USA and the one in India do not match together, well that's mainly because it is practiced diffrently, understood diferently and imposed differently.

All the worlds democracies can produce a Trump, or even worse, the Nazis in Germany won the parlament by public vote.

Now that we know that either US nor Indian democracy are the same, we should look at what happend in the US elections, the worlds de facto, most powerfull democracy.

Trump got elected due to a chain of events and circumstances. The arrogance of the democratic candidate party that insisted to run with Hillary, when Sanders had the votes of the expats, hispanics, enviro liberals, millenials and medium middle class.

This squabble was exploteited by Trump and his campaing leader. He visited the 'forgotten' states, where the democrats long thought that they would be supreme leaders.

He emarged as the leader of the forgotten. Those that worked once in the closed steel mills, and the closed car factories, in the closed aluminium factories. All of witch have been moved abroad, for cheaper labour costs. These people felt that they were heard by Trump, and not by the Republicans or Democrats.

So the masivelly voted for Republicans in the so called key states.

Trump did not win the popular vote, he won on a technicality, that was put forward by the unemloyed,
un-priviledged americans.
Trump id not have to explain why these people lost their jobs, lost their houses, lost their livelihood, it all happends during the Democrats.

This is a fenomenon that also plays in Europe but in a lesser degree, because most countries in Europe still have a social wealfare system in place.

Trump went on to rant about the Mexicans, he knew that he did not have their votes anyway. That made the radicals in the USA to start listen to Trump and consider to actually go vote.

By the slogan Make America Great Again, he played on the nostalgy of the haydays of American Industry, when Ford and GM were top employers, when Hewlett-Packard ment something, IBM was the spearhead of the world computer revolution, when American steel was the pride of the nation, when you could afford a living from a factory salary, that was the Greatness of America, this nostalgy made Trump the winner.

All this was neglected by the Democrats, trying to convince a steelworker that after 35 years of work he will loose his jo, because that is better for the economy.
Democrats tried to explain that we need to bail out the crooks that caused the finnacial crisis. People lost their houses, their life savings, everything, how can you explain that?

Thats the Trump effect, he played on his bussiness man instinct, a schrewd one, but never the less, people believed him that by not being a politician and being a bussiness man he would actually be able to fix the economy.

Now he starts to deliver on his promised, he introduce import tarrifs for steel and aluminum, from cuntries other then Mexico and Canada.

This actually could push Mexico or Canada forward to actually build up a steel industry. People see only that it will generate a trade war, of course with China, India, Brazil, and maybe with the EU.

So stop whining, and think constructive, US is the largest and most powerfull economy on this planet. We, have to learn to cope with that. They have the right to impose taxes on the rest of the world.

Is not their fault, is their priviledge, and their right to do so. A pure North American economic enclave, can outperform the rest of the world, we need them, and now they have decidede that they dont need us.

The Trump effect has happend on a global scale and will have reverberations for decades to come.

Deal with that!


Oh...And I disagree that TRUMP got elected on a TECHNICALITY...Our ELECTORAL COLLEGE system is not derived from the FRENCH and is NOT a TECHNICALITY...It was conceived brilliantly by our Founding Fathers to protect the AMERICAN PEOPLE from the TYRANNY of the MAJORITY.....And those men were NOT UNEMPLOYED and NOT UNDER PRIVILEGED....The concept even back then 200+ years ago was that small but heavily populated areas would inevitably destroy the voice of the people in less populated rural areas....So our founders created it so that places like CALIFORNIA and NEW YORK could not rule our NATION like they would in a STRAIGHT UP one man one vote DEMOCRACY.....OUR ELECTORAL COLLEGE SYSTEM has SERVED US WELL for 200+ years...It is NOT OUTDATED....It is NOT OBSOLETE....and the ELECTION RESULTS from it are NEVER a TECHNICALITY!!! do make some good points elsewhere.


I have to say it's really fun to hear someone defending the electoral system, I really did not expect that day to come. Thanks for the amusement and have a nice day! :)

And your reply gave me a big ol' Guffaw at how ignorant you obviously are...But you're welcome...And you have a nice day too

I agree both Trump and brexit in the UK are the reaction of forgotten people.
Globalists would make believe that borders aren't needed and nation state is the cause of all ills..
They are wrong..

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