Donald Trump is the first post Protestant President and his election marks a dividing line in history. The historical super cycle that started on Halloween 1517 is coming to a close and the Protestant era in US history which started with the first colonist is over. He is the first post Protestant President in both style and substance and this break with the past is causing a break with reality for those unable to mentally digest the change. What once was no longer is, the country is post Protestant. The old commandments are gone, the country has permanently veered from its previous path. Trump’s election may well be the most shocking election in US history, it may well be the most important election in US history, it may well be the most divisive election in US history. All this is because this man himself is the dividing line. Before 2016 America was an undeclared Protestant theocracy, our political speeches were Protestant sermons carefully disguised with the use of awkward humor. Before 2016 no American politician just talked to the people, they only sermonized us. Before 2016 no American President said or did anything that could oppose Protestantism’s march to take over at least the Christian world, if not the whole world. Trump broke with the past, he is the first post Protestant President in both style and substance. He does not sermonize, he talks. He is conversational in all his communications at every level in every form and he will never sermonize. The most post Protestant thing Trump ever said was “why do we even need NATO?” That this was even controversial shows that the media elites and those who still view them as elite are still living in the past, they are still living in the Protestant America that is now gone. Regardless of religious affiliation, if you lost your composure over the President of the United States of America asking “why do we even need NATO?” then your mind is still in the undeclared Protestant theocracy that once was. Your soul might be in another religion or no religion at all, but if you lost your composure because the President of the United States of America spoke conversationally in public rather than sermonizing your mind is still in the undeclared Protestant theocracy that once was but will never again be.
The first post Protestant President is post Protestant himself, regardless of official denominational membership or family history. He is a guy from Queen, he’s a Catholic on the inside and you can’t kid me about that because I am from Noo Yawk too. He is Catholic in the ways that matter, he judges himself and others on actions not on demonstrations of faith. He is Catholic in the ways that matter, he speaks conversationally to all and sermonizes to none. The first President from Queens could never be a real Protestant. And we could never have a President from Queens if the undeclared Protestant theocracy that once was still is. In style and substance Trump is Catholic, he speaks conversationally and he judges on actions not declarations of faith. The undeclared Protestant theocracy we all grew up in is over, please adapt as quickly as possible because I’m tired of all the crazy people. The world changed, accept the change, mourn it if you have to, but accept it and stop denying reality as this only leads to denying sanity. The world is different, America has a President who is post Protestant in style and substance. Also, why do we need NATO?
Some will say JFK and Obama were the first two non Protestant Presidents. JFK was so thoroughly assimilated into the American elite that his style and substance were in line with the undeclared Protestant theocracy of his times. All his speeches were sermons. He did speak conversationally with the media and for this was considered to be famously witty. This was his Catholic side coming out, the other Presidents could have spoken conversationally with the media had they chose too. Obama is obviously a Muslim and has admitted to it on video several times, but with every bone in his body he aches to be accepted as a genuine Black American despite being raised as a white kid in Hawaii. And so folks, whenever he got the chance to talk to folks, folks just like you, he would talk to folks like a preacher, telling folks about the good news. All of Obama’s public utterances were sermons. Because of his aching desire to be accepted as a Black American the kid who went to prep school in Honolulu tried harder than any other President to sermonize and judge others on demonstrations of faith rather than actions. This devout Muslim was on the outside the most Protestant President the United Folks of America ever had. I mean it, folks.
The reason our Presidents changed is because our people changed. Demographic change drove the 2016 election and demographic change made America post Protestant. There just aren’t enough Protestants around to keep the country an undeclared theocracy, with every speech a sermon and conversational speech forbidden. It doesn’t matter if the numbers say they are still the majority, the Protestants themselves are threatened and no longer able to defend themselves through passive resistance as before. When America is 12% Black as a holdover from slavery hundreds of years ago you can just move to a neighborhood where that 12% does not live. When the southern border is an open door to the Third World for decades there are no neighborhoods to move to. The United States of America is different because Americans are different. Immigration is the most important force, we are importing non Protestants from around the world. The numbers dwindle, you need a massive majority to defend yourself just by moving to another neighborhood. Immigration makes America post Protestant by importing non Protestants and by making the native Protestants unable to continue to defend themselves through passive means. They cannot defend themselves through faith alone, they now must defend themselves through works.
It’s not all immigration. The war on gay dudes playing house together took a huge toll on this country, I consider it the third civil war after the official one, and the civil rights movement. Americans keep fighting wars against each other and the war is winning. The Gay Marriage fiasco lost an entire generation. In 1996 two gay dudes playing house together became the only crime in America that was double illegal. Not only was it illegal, it was illegal to make it legal. Must be a pretty big crime for that, like murder or something. Nope, it’s two gay dudes playing house together. This fiasco drove an entire generation away from Christianity, Western Civilization, and pride in country. The children born in 1996 spent their entire lives having their minds and souls shaped by this third civil war and they chose to be against Christianity, against Western Civilization and against pride in country. An entire generation lost because the Evangelicals thought making two gay dudes playing house together the only crime in the world that was double illegal would make playing house for a dude and a chick easier, so they won’t get divorced. Was it worth it Evangelicals? Tell me the truth. Then tell me why we need NATO.
Am I the only one who notices that the more control the Evangelicals have over something the more it shrinks in importance and worth? Let’s be honest about who they are. The first wave of immigrants was from England and went to the north and the coast. The second wave were Scots from Ulster and went to the south and the inland mountain range. These are the Evangelicals. Some mixing here and there, but it’s really them. Around 1670 England kicked the Irish out of the best farmland in Ireland and gave it for free to Scottish immigrants just for being Protestant. Getting working farms on rich land that used to belong to Catholics for free just for being Protestant changed the Ulster-Scots. They hate Catholics now, a lot. And they love Protestantism, a lot. And they screw up everything you put them in charge of. In my lifetime Evangelical control over American Christianity only grows. And as their control over American Christianity grows American Christianity shrinks. Everything they touch turns to straw. The Evangelicals are the captain of a sinking ship. They would rather stay captain than save the ship by stepping aside. And so Christianity in this country shrinks by the day. The ever growing Evangelical tinge drives away the American elite, drives away anyone educated above a certain level. The Evangelical takeover of American Christianity that has occurred in my lifetime is reducing Christianity in this country to an ethnic club as they make the religion offensive or at least unappealing to anyone whose ancestors did not get a free farm in Ireland just for being Protestant.
Others from outside the magic circle of salvation by faith alone have been allowed to be President in times of need. I’m talking about the good Presidents. As an emergency measure people like Eisenhower and Reagan were allowed to save the country. And once the danger was gone the Protestants who run this country as their possession go right back to electing a Protestant dumbass. The largest Protestant denomination in this country are the Southern Baptists. LBJ, Jimmy Peanut and BJ Clinton were all Southern Baptists. George W. Chimp was so bad I count him as an honorary Southern Baptist so by my count all the bad Presidents of the last hundred years were Southern Baptists. I wish it was illegal for them to run. No, I wish is was double illegal for them to run.
Others whose ancestors didn’t get free farms in Ireland have been allowed to be President as an emergency measure. But the need has to be great and known. The need was great but unknown in 2000. The Republicans should have nominated Giuliani, he would have shut the southern border and kept us from trying to invade every country that doesn’t use toilet paper. But the danger was unknown to the Protestants, while Giuliani’s Catholicism was known. So they elected George W. Chimp who was saved from alcoholism by prayer. Doesn’t matter that he screwed up every business and political office he was in charge of. He saved himself from alcoholism by prayer. You know what that means. He saved himself by faith, alone. This was his credential, he saved himself from alcoholism by prayer, his whole resume. Giuliani’s resume was succeeding at everything he had ever tried in his entire life. But George W. Chimp had a better resume for an undeclared Protestant theocracy. And so we invade every country in the world that doesn’t use toilet paper. Why do we even need toilet paper?
This time it’s different. The danger was great and known, this time the Protestants knew you couldn’t vote for a guy just because he saved himself from alcoholism by prayer. You need a guy whose smarter than a monkey and has a clear record of accomplishment. And it would help if he was the only candidate in the primary who said the magic word w-a-l-l. But I don’t think this is another Eisenhower or Reagan brought in from outside the circle to save the day and then end with another dumbass Southern Baptist being elected. I think the circle has been broken and cannot be unbroken. The country is post Protestant. Trump is more than just an emergency measure who will be forgotten when the emergency has passed. He is a dividing line in history and marks when America stopped being an undeclared Protestant theocracy. I believe this time it is different. Trump doesn’t have an ancestor who got a free farm in Ireland just for being Protestant. But that has happened before. I think the country has fundamentally changed and is post Protestant. I welcome the change. I wasn’t raised on Protestant sermons, to my ear almost every American political speech I have ever heard sounds odd. Why talk like that? Talk like a real person and just say what you think. You know, like they do in Queens. I do not view Trump as an emergency measure, I view him as the dividing line marking the start of post Protestant America, an America where it’s okay to speak conversationally, where a man can ask obvious and important questions out loud without condemnation. By the way, why do we need NATO?
This change matters. Trump is different in style and substance. Because Protestantism is different in style and substance. In the end there is no Protestantism without the belief that all Catholics go to hell, especially the ones whose families built farms in Ulster over thousands of years and had those working farms given away for free to the Evangelicals. But the other Catholics go to hell too, just not as fast. Because there can be no free will in this world view, no agency. The New Testament sets out moral rules and says all who obey them will go to heaven. The Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 19, there is a long list of examples. These are the entrance requirements, meet them and go to heaven and that applies to anyone. Over a thousand years ago St. Augustine figured out a way around this. God has to give us a magic potion called efficacious grace first or we can’t follow the moral rules because we can’t control ourselves, we don’t have agency. And he only gives the magic potion called efficacious grace if you’re a Christian. On Halloween 1517 Martin Luther crossed out Christian and wrote Protestant. So there is no free will, no agency, and you need the magic potion or you go to hell so shut up about your damn farm in Ireland you Catholic. This denial of agency is necessary for the worldwide Protestant takeover. This denial of agency changes you.
The rejection of agency leads to a rejection of personal responsibility and a rejection of practical solutions and in the end a rejection of rationality. This is part of the undeclared Protestant theocracy we once lived in. You can’t just choose your actions, you lack agency. The Left has its mirror twin version of this but it’s all the same, as agency is denied according to Augustine’s logic so is responsibility. The two cannot be separated. Trump blows all this up. If the Mexicans want to live in a good country they can stay in Mexico and make that good. Sure they can. They have agency, they can just do the work, that’s all it takes. This is the Queens in him. This isn’t Ulster, this is Queens County, New York. If Mexicans want to live in a good country they can stay in Mexico and make Mexico good, end of story. This is Queens talk, not another Protestant sermon disguised as a political speech through the use of awkward humor. When critics complain that Trump is not Presidential what they mean is he is not Protestant. He does not sermonize, he speaks conversationally. But worst of all he credits the entire world, even Mexicans, with agency. This is not the Protestant theocracy we grew up in.
The demographic changes that were so encouraged by George W. Chimp make a passive defense for mainstream Americans impossible. If you’re rich you can still passively defend yourself and move to where it's safe. If you’re not rich any place you can afford is no longer safe. 90% of interracial crime in America is Black criminal and white victim crime. Unless you’re a millionaire you can’t keep moving away from the crime. You can’t keep moving away from the racism. You can’t keep moving away from the hate and the stupidity. A passive defense no longer works. You can no longer use hope as a strategy. George W. Chimp overcame alcoholism with prayer, will that work against crime? I didn’t think so. Immigration and other changes have created a world where mainstream Americans can no longer rely on passive defense against those who hate them. They have to do the work of defending themselves. They have to save themselves through works. Passively defending yourself worked when America almost 90% white. It does not work now. The numbers game has ruined the traditional white strategy of passive defense. Now work has to be done. The Protestant dream dies. George W. Chimp got elected because he fought off demon liquor with prayer, his faith saved him. The dream that we can solve every problem the way that big chimp overcame demon liquor is dead. If we are to be saved in the new America we will have to work for it.
But isn’t there a better way than a race war? Why reader, I am glad you asked. We could sit down and have real conversations. Not take turns sermonizing each other. We could sit down and really talk things out, have a real conversation. Talk like real people. Why are you Mexicans moving here if you hate the people who live here already? If you say your poverty is caused by racist Americans why are you poor in your own country? Why shouldn’t affirmative-action be named affirmative-racism? Why do we still have NATO?
A race war is not the answer. Obama telling folks that us folks have to learn to live with folks in another sermon isn’t the answer. The answer is real conversations between real Americans. A real conversation is nothing like a sermon. The time for sermonizing is over, we need to sit down and talk. Folk to Folk, as Obama would say. And plain talking means the dream dies. We can’t solve every problem on earth the way George Chimp solved his alcoholism. We have to solve problems the way Giuliani solved crime in New York, he did it with work and talking like a real person, having real conversations. The country has reached a point where the dream dies, you can’t get everything you want in life the same way you got that farm in Ireland. You got that farm just for being Protestant. That won’t solve every problem. It solved the Chimp’s alcoholism and he rode that to the White House, Giuliani the Catholic didn’t have a chance. But the dream is dead. America is no longer an undeclared Protestant theocracy. The dangers are too real, more real than demon liquor. The numbers are too small for passive defense, we must get work done. America is now post Protestant. Many still believe and use it as a spiritual guide and even a practical guide. But as a guide to American political life Protestantism is dead. Trump is the dividing line. Before people were willing to make enough sacrifices, they have given out in exhaustion. The dividing line has been crossed, we are in a new era now and things are forever different. Because we don’t need NATO now, we don’t need it at all and it is okay to say that. It is okay to talk like a real person, it is okay to think out loud, it is okay to save this country through hard work. I know I’m ready, you can count on me. You can have faith in me.