Here I am it's Adam I wish I replied to you Markus Henry earlier to you here at steemit and elsewhere , for you and your quest and request ! I support you. besides the hypnosis you got yourself that I object ( if you really did get yourself hypnotized )
I probably didn't make much sense on the phone. I don't like talking on phones.
I just have to be careful I don't get 'set up' by some cult of judah types, who arrange for money to be sent to me from people or agencies listed as 'terrorists' by the occupied jew.s.a government etc...or occupied german governments etc... so that they can 'investigate' me and make trouble....
of course it is the Israeli, American, and German governments themselves who are the REAL terrorist organisations, and NATO, U.N etc
sorry I get confused about who is who...two names come up, Adam and I are Smoloko ... I got calls from different Adam, one Anton...or do you use both names ?
sorry, just confusing, getting phone calls after a long walk to go shopping, ... I prefer emails etc...non-synchronous communication...
oh, yeh, I discovered that all the encryption software available to me is written and owned by, can you guess who? yeh, rhymes with too...and they own all the internet and telefony admin software...have total control of NSA all the billing ... have access to all my banking details including current phone number (even though not registered as just 1 euro prepaid SIM card) via the SWIFT and BIC networks...and even the BRICKS supposed alternative to the World Bank etc and U.S dollar ponsy scheme is, you guessed it, full of World Bank executives, a.k.a cult of judah there is NO confidentiality, no privacy, no 'secure' way to I will keep it simple...and stick to email...even Yahoo...
so please email, just so I know you got this message, and I'm clear about who I've been talking too...
I've completed a new book...cannot avoid references to the cult of judah even though most people would never connect the content with them... so I will just have to see how long before they are all censored again...
again, please if you can , find people to edit, proof-read, make covers for, and promote, all the now 6 books relating directly to the cult of judah...
my very last little project will be about the coming mini ice age...trying to get my head around all the data I've researched, and see if it is legit...or just another 'fake crisis'...either way, the result will be important...because either way they appear to be planning to weaponise food and food distribution...starving us into'll only get a food voucher / supplies if you are a good little slave... just like in the HOlodomor...the cult of judah keep doing the same shit over and over...based on their torah role models...and it works for THEM...
all the best
markus...going out to enjoy rare sunshine, probably the last for many many months here is Estonia :D ... but the cold weather keeps out the 'bad' guys, as they say ... :D
Here I am it's Adam I wish I replied to you Markus Henry earlier to you here at steemit and elsewhere , for you and your quest and request ! I support you. besides the hypnosis you got yourself that I object ( if you really did get yourself hypnotized )
I probably didn't make much sense on the phone. I don't like talking on phones.
I just have to be careful I don't get 'set up' by some cult of judah types, who arrange for money to be sent to me from people or agencies listed as 'terrorists' by the occupied jew.s.a government etc...or occupied german governments etc... so that they can 'investigate' me and make trouble....
of course it is the Israeli, American, and German governments themselves who are the REAL terrorist organisations, and NATO, U.N etc
sorry I get confused about who is who...two names come up, Adam and I are Smoloko ... I got calls from different Adam, one Anton...or do you use both names ?
sorry, just confusing, getting phone calls after a long walk to go shopping, ... I prefer emails etc...non-synchronous communication...
oh, yeh, I discovered that all the encryption software available to me is written and owned by, can you guess who? yeh, rhymes with too...and they own all the internet and telefony admin software...have total control of NSA all the billing ... have access to all my banking details including current phone number (even though not registered as just 1 euro prepaid SIM card) via the SWIFT and BIC networks...and even the BRICKS supposed alternative to the World Bank etc and U.S dollar ponsy scheme is, you guessed it, full of World Bank executives, a.k.a cult of judah there is NO confidentiality, no privacy, no 'secure' way to I will keep it simple...and stick to email...even Yahoo...
so please email, just so I know you got this message, and I'm clear about who I've been talking too...
I've completed a new book...cannot avoid references to the cult of judah even though most people would never connect the content with them... so I will just have to see how long before they are all censored again...
again, please if you can , find people to edit, proof-read, make covers for, and promote, all the now 6 books relating directly to the cult of judah...
my very last little project will be about the coming mini ice age...trying to get my head around all the data I've researched, and see if it is legit...or just another 'fake crisis'...either way, the result will be important...because either way they appear to be planning to weaponise food and food distribution...starving us into'll only get a food voucher / supplies if you are a good little slave... just like in the HOlodomor...the cult of judah keep doing the same shit over and over...based on their torah role models...and it works for THEM...
all the best
markus...going out to enjoy rare sunshine, probably the last for many many months here is Estonia :D ... but the cold weather keeps out the 'bad' guys, as they say ... :D