Echo of last transmission

in #troonatnoor7 years ago

‘Un-programming ‘The Holocaust’, ‘Man-made global climate change’, and ‘Money as Debt’.

Replacing the ‘Jew’ World Order’ we have, with a ‘New’ World Order we might have, if only we wanted it.

I have called for a global ‘Jews wear green day’. This would include the children of ‘Jews’. No malice intended. I just want to give everyone in the world a chance to see what positions of power and influence the ‘Jews’ occupy in this world. I think it might motivate a lot of people to start asking questions about how appropriate it is for a small self-defined group of people to have so much power and influence. Especially given that the ‘basis’ of the definition ‘Jew’ is racial supremacist, and founded on the enslavement, rape, dispossession, and genocide of all non-‘Jews’, who are defined, reflexively, and necessarily, as a part of the definition ‘Jew’, as non-human ‘cattle’, with no ‘human’ rights at all, other than any ‘privileges’ the ‘Jews’ decide to grant them, for the duration of their arbitrary feelings of beneficence toward a ‘sex-object’, ‘pet’, or ‘slave’.

If you don’t believe that the mass media can condition and program you into a view of the world, and history, that is false, and more to the point, constructed to benefit one narrow group of people, at the expense of all other people, then consider your ‘knee-jerk’ reaction to my use of the term ‘Jew’.

Now understand that I personally do not think in terms of ‘Jew’ and ‘Goy’. For me the term ‘Jew’ is meaningless. I would never have thought to refer to any person as a ‘Jew’, unless society had conditioned and programmed me to.

Unless a group of people had not defined themselves as ‘Jews’.

Now ask yourself why they did this.

Why does a person do anything?

Because they believe doing a particular thing will benefit themselves, and their loved ones.

So what ‘benefit’ do the self-defined ‘Jews’ get from ascribing to the notion of being a ‘Jew’.

Read the bible. The ‘Jews’ are ‘The Chosen People’. Chosen for what you might ask? Well, chosen to become the slave masters of all the other people. Facts. Read a Bible. I don’t have to make the slightest effort to prove that the idea of ‘Racial supremacy’ is at the heart of the notion of ‘Jew’-ishness.

Defining yourself as a ‘Jew’ is the most racist act you could commit.
It is also the most violent definition available.

A definition which defines a limited number of people the right to enslave all other people. A definition which defines the ‘Jew’ as the only true human. A definition which reflexively defines all non-‘Jews’, all ‘Goys’, as non-human. As mere ‘cattle’ in human forms. As mere means to the ends, the pleasures, of the ‘Jew’. As mere slaves.

Take any assumption most ‘Goys’ make about ‘animals’, and you have defined the relationship of ‘Goy’ to ‘Jew’.

If you are happy with such a definition, then by all means accuse me of ‘anti-Semitism’. For being anti-racist. For being against all notions of racial supremacy. For being against all forms of slavery. For being against all forms of violence.

And against limiting competent people from practicing ‘professions’, the ones that have the most impact on society, like finance, medicine, and law, because they don’t belong to professional organizations run by ‘Jews’.

For being pro-freedom. Pro-equality. Pro-liberty. Pro-truth.

So now we have established that you have been conditioned to react, emotionally, to the term ‘Jew’, and to any ‘criticism’ of ‘Jews’.

Next consider your reaction to the term ‘The Holocaust’.

It happened, right? Millions of ‘Jews’ were gassed, then burned in crematoria. In Nazi death camps. Right?

You KNOW these things for facts. Right?

Or do you. What do you really know? Who ‘educated’ you about ‘The Holocaust’? Was it your television? Was it Hollywood films? Do you know which self-defined ‘race’ owns and controls the major commercial television corporations? Owns and controls ‘Hollywood’.

Did you feel a knee-jerk emotional reaction to what I just wrote?

Sounds ‘anti-Semitic’ to you? I must have some ulterior motive?

I must be some sort of neo-Nazi with an irrational hatred of ‘Jews’?

I challenge you to read the chapters in my books on ‘The Holocaust’, before you just maintain the conditioned, programmed responses you have to ‘The Holocaust’.

I can promise you that it never happened. As much as I can promise you that gravity exists. I have gathered the facts in. Many of them are pure laws of physics and chemistry. I can prove the ‘show trials’ proved no more than any other ‘Hollywood’ production ‘proves’. I can even account for the complicity of the German Government in the hoax.

But now I will return to un-programming you. And teaching you how you can more optimally re-program yourself.

First I want to un-program you ‘Jews’ so you stop defining yourself as ‘Jewish’ at all. And start defining yourself as ‘humans’. Which will be a challenge for you. A real ‘loss of status and privilege’. A step down. From being the ‘Chosen people’, the original ‘Master Race’, to being just another human. You will have to include all humans in your ethics and legal codes, as equals.
You will have to start looking at ‘Goys’ as humans. Tough break. But it will be good for you. It might smart a little, giving up all that ‘supremacist’ ideology. You will have to, in future, base any feelings of ‘superiority’ on your actual acts and achievements. Rather than base them on merely having been defined as a ‘Jew’ at your birth.

This will be a true test of your faith in your actual ‘superiority’. For if you really are as ‘superior’ as your ideology asserts, then you will, naturally, rise to the top of the pile, by demonstrating your superiority.

Of course you won’t be able to blame ‘anti-Semitism’ any time you fail. But that will be character forming.

Anti-semitism will become impossible, once you denounce the The Old Testament, Torah, and Talmud as malicious, vicious, completely unacceptable lies. Once your renounce the notion of ‘Jew’ as a race. As a ‘Master Race’. As ‘The chosen people’. Once you renounce the asserted right to rape, murder, steal from, and enslave, all non-‘Jews’. Once you begin working towards a truly ‘Open Society’, in which all ‘people’ are ‘human’. Where there is no ‘Jew’ and ‘Goy’ distinction. Sort of like what that ‘Jesus’ fellow was on about. The one the ‘Jews’ tortured to death, if you believe your own religious texts.

You cannot irrationally hate a ‘race’ if there are no races. No-one is forcing you to define yourself as ‘Jew’. I define myself as ‘sentient being’. Not a hint of racism in me. No motive to define anyone as ‘Jew’ or ‘Goy’. As superior. As entitled. As ‘chosen’.

Any suggestion I am ‘racist’, let along ‘anti-Semitic’ are nonsensical propaganda.
I would never identify anyone as a ‘Jew’, if I were not forced to by other people defining themselves as such, by their words and deeds.

Oh, it will not be enough for you to stop proclaiming ‘I am a Jew’. What is needed is that you renounce all the ‘baggage’ that goes along with that identification. All the horrible things we have been discussing.

You will need to demonstrate that you identify as ‘human’. That you identify ALL people as ‘human’. That all of us share the same rights and responsibilities. That your legal and ethics codes define all of us as human. As beneficiaries of the same rights and freedoms.
You will have to stop all your propaganda. Like ‘The Holocaust’. Like your demonization of Donald Trump. And ‘fess up’ to having produced the 5 religions that have been, and continue to be, such a force for evil in this world.

It won’t do for you to ‘pretend’ you don’t see yourself as a ‘Jew’ any more. You will have to demonstrate it. But that will be easy, once you have truly renounced racism, any ideologies of racial supremacy, and any ideologies of slavery.

Oh I realise the odds of my ‘impeccable intentions’ and factual argument having the desired, positive outcome for myself and the world verge on zero.

So I don’t invest too much in the success of this attempt.

But I can honestly say I did my best.

And can honestly predict that it will not go well for anyone who ascribes to racial supremacist, opportunistic ideologies.

The wolf is the strength of the pack, and the pack is the strength of the wolf. Once you have become conditioned to a mindset of entitlement, and have enslaved all the ‘legitimate’ slaves, the ‘Goys’, you will turn upon each other.

Remember there are only to be 144,000 ‘true’ ‘Jews’. The rest will be defined as ‘Goys’. Most likely that will include you too, my ‘Jew’-ish friends.

Remember that umbrellas, parachutes, and minds, all only work when they are ‘open’.

So suspend judgement for a moment. Overcome your automatic, conditioned, programmed, knee-jerk, emotional responses to my words. Consider them. With an 'open' mind.

Suspend all the 'beliefs' you have been indoctrinated into, as part of the Cult of Judah's full spectrum propaganda systems.

If you define yourself as 'Jewish', do the same. Step out of your Cult mind-prison for a moment, and consider, with an open mind, all I have attempted to enlighten you about. If your 'beliefs' rely on 'immuna' (simply sticking your fingers in your ears and covering you eyes, when anyone has anything to say that your Cult masters don't want you to see or hear, then are they worth betting everything on?

You may, as a cultural group, actually be ‘superior’ in many ways, compared to other cultural groups. But in ways that will prove liabilities in the future, when you have ‘claimed’ your ‘entitlement’ as ‘slave masters’.

Imagine a society based on ‘derivatives’. Where the only industries are ‘finance’, ‘television’, and ‘Hollywood’. With a few jobs in the ‘Jew-diciary’. Who will you be making ‘Holocaust’ movies for? Who will you be unfairly sending to prison? Who will your ‘pyramid schemes’ be defrauding of wealth? Think about it. How will you generate feelings of ‘superiority’ among ‘equals’? When ‘everyone’ who is ‘anyone’, even ‘human’, will have inherited the same status as ‘superior’. Who will you be able to feel superior to? A slave? Some ‘Goy’ pet? Oh what a feeling of achievement that will bring you? No, in the end, you will turn on each other. That is what always happens. So good luck with that.

You self-defined ‘Jews’ may prove the means to a higher power’s ends. You may be what is necessary. An evolutionary ‘purge’ after millennia of ‘bingeing’.

All true warriors ‘love’ their enemy. Why? Because a truly worthy enemy brings out the best in the true warrior. It forces them to dig deeper, to shine brighter, to work harder, to hone their craft, to improve their skills, to become the best warrior they can be.

Yes I am a warrior of sorts. An ‘Impeccable Warrior’.

I thank you for being the impetus for me developing what skills, talents, and abilities I possess.
I will now move on to ‘meta’ things. I thank you for having added the ‘rungs’ to ‘Markus’s ladder’. You put them up there as obstacles, but they proved to be motivators. I have climbed up and above what you placed to deter and block me.

Karma? May you reap the harvest you have sown, and thus learn to be a better ‘person’ for it.
I don’t hate anyone. I don’t believe in ‘races’. Let alone ‘racial superiority’. Even Hitler was not anti-Semitic, as the world defines that attitude. So I am the last person you could accuse of it.

I am not particular pro-‘Goy’ either. The ‘Goys’ have done much more harm to me, deliberately, with malicious intent, than any ‘Jew’ ever did. So far. The ‘Goys’ like to ‘cut down tall poppies’. That is the cultural superiority of the ‘Jewish’ culture. It seems to promote the best, most talented among itself. Us ‘Goys’ just want to cut each other down to size. To ‘rise above’ by ‘putting below’. We seem so envious and jealous of each other. Hardly capable of ever uniting against the force of what you ‘Jews’ have become.

So don’t worry about me and my books. Most ‘Goys’ really are as stupid, lazy, and un-improvable as you define them to be. I am no threat to your plans. In fact you could use the ‘Goys’ responses to my books as a test of their mental acuity. Maybe keep only the ones smart enough to ‘get’ it. The rest really are barely ‘human’, if you define ‘humanity’ in terms of intelligence. Or ability to learn. To adapt. To escape mental prisons.

I am hoping that the promise of a Vegan Eden expressed in the Bible is realised.

In fact, if you have a role for me, one that would turn the world, at least the ‘Goy’ world, Vegan, I would be happy to work on the ‘Vegan-isation’ of the ‘Goys’.

Go Vegan.


Oh, but there is that little fact about the ‘Zionists’, the 144,000, having to ‘offer as a burnt sacrifice’ the rest of the ‘Jews’.

Now that might be grounds for concern even for the ‘Jews’.

Good luck with that.

For as you do unto others (including us ‘Goys’, and other ‘animals’), so shall be done unto you.

Or was it implicit that Obadiah was only talking about ‘Other’ ‘Jews’?

Are you willing to bet everything on that?

Does that make logical sense to you? That others will treat you differently to how you treat others? That somehow you are the exception? Well, what can I say, when your entire identity is based on an ideology of exceptionalism?

You may somehow escape the 'pogroms' that the actions of your Cult masters always produce, as a reflex reaction, and which you, at the very least, passively, must be held accountable for, as 'aiders and abetters'. As'sayanim'. As 'accomplices'. This goes equally for all the 'Golems' who have actively sold out the entire human race for a few temporary benefits.

But ask yourself why your very first King attempted to root out and utterly destroy the Cult of Judah, killing an entire city of 'Kohenim'. The Cult Priests.

Ask yourself if it just might be the case that the 3000 year old command to commit 'pre-emptive' genocidal attacks on your peaceful neighbours, and those inhabiting land your Cult leaders want, is the reason your ancestors may have had 'trouble' in the past, from their host nations.

All the 'justications' given for inciting genocide, today as 3000 years ago (see that video if you doubt me), are based on the assumption that 'Amalek' and 'Edom' are planning to attack you.

If you are to believe your Cult leaders, then we, all the non-'Jews' of the world who do not accept your self-proclaimed sense of entitlement to rule the world, and enslave us, and genocidally murder those of us who will not serve the Cult of Judah's 'Jew' World Order, have had 3000 years to destroy you.

But we haven't ever even tried.

We've murdered each other for thousands of years.

But we've never made any attempt to exterminate the 'Jews', despite what your full spectrum propaganda wants you to believe.

If you are so logical and intellectually superior, please explain who, if you are such a small minority, and Amalek and Edom are intent on your destruction, it has not, in 3000 years, made any effort to destroy you?

Which is more logical? That your Cult masters have been lieing to you, in the same way they lied to us about 911 and Nazi Germany, to scare you into acting in the ways that serve their ambitions?

Or that they have been telling the truth?

If so, how can you explain that you are alive? If the Billions of people all around you have been bent on annihilating you from the face of the earth?

Were Nazi's also so incompetent that they could not manage to kill millions of unarmed 'Jews'. Given that they had the support of the local population of every nation the Nazi's occupied?

How can you account for the failure of a suppopsed 'extermination policy' on the part of Nazi Germany? Typical incompetent Germanic culture? Typical German inefficiency? Typical German defiance of authority? Typical German lack of ingenuity? Typical German unwillingness to 'follow orders'?

If Germans are so defiant of authority, please explain their cowardly and lazy compliance with the 'Holocaust Denial' laws via which they are complicit in actively defaming their own ancestors, and
mocking their own dead?

In fact history proves that the 'Jews' have ALWAYS occupied the highest positions in every host nation where they lived.

This was true of pre-Nazi Germany. But it goes way back to the times of the Roman Empire.

They later became the effective adminstrators and beneficiaries of Moorish rule of Spain, after militarily assisting the Islamic invasion of Europe.

They were always the richest merchants and bankers, in every host nation where they lived.

They murdered the Tzarist government of Russia, occupied Russia, and then Occupied most of Eastern Europe. They committed atrocities people today only associate with Nazi Germany, as the 'Jew'.S.S.R leadership. They carried out the true genocides of World War Two, and post World War Two. With the full complicity and assistance of the occupied 'Jew'.S.A and 'Jew'.K.

Today they occupy the Jew.S.A, E.Jew, Jew.K, Australia, and Canada, just to name a few of their occupation zones.

'Persecution' to the Cult of Judah masters really means 'assimilation'.

So you're liberation and emancipation from the Cult of Judah, as 'Jews', is the true 'persecution' your Cult of Judah masters are referring to, when they speak of a 'history of persecution'.

Tomorrow a specialist in deep trance and post-hypnotic suggestion will come and free me of the burden of trying to save you, and the rest of us, from the Cult of Judah.

I found these paragraphs in my lastest project, and as I will not be consciously publishing anything directly relating ot the Cult of Judah in the future, unless I gain massive support for my strategies, and this 'triggers' my subconscious to over-riding the post-hypnotic suggestions implanted in my mind by the trance therapist, I decided to post them, the day before I travel to that therapist, to undergo what I am determined will be a successful series of N.L.P sessions.

It would have been a shame to have them go to waste.

I have exhausted all the peaceful means open to someone wishing to free the 'Jews', and the rest of us, from the occupation governments of the Cult of Judah, and thus peacefully prevent the coming genocides which will usher in the realisation of that Cults 3000 year old strategy to impose a 'Jew' World Order upon those who are willing to serve the Cult of Judah, and to genocidally exterminate those who will not. Along with their spouses, children, and animals.

Watch that video if you think this ideology has been 'updated' and 'modernised' and 'reformed' and belongs to the 'history' of the 'Jews'.

Don't bother contacting me. Read all the materials I have published. Books. Commentaries. Watch the videos. All at no cost to you. Then bring together all the potential opponents of the Cult of Judah, and implement these strategies.

I comprehend how so many different sorts of people and organisations have all been tricked into acting in ways that serve the Cult of Judah's agenda.

I see that it would take a 'miracle' for me to 'get through to' the masses. Even to a few 'enlightened' people. You all 'know' what you 'know'. You are all being tricked into serving an agenda that most of you would never agree to serve, knowingly.

You believe you are doing something good. Or at minimum 'defensive' and 'necessary'. You may imagine you are serving some god. Jesus. The greater good. Some higher principles.

But one thing I have learned. The methods and means which people adopt are what defines them. Not their supposed idealistic ends.

Peace and justice and liberty are indivisible. You cannot 'justify' violence, injustice, lies, and 'control' in the name of 'the greater good'. Or some utopian vision.

Some people really beleived the 'Jew'.S.S.R would be a utopia. Some even believe it was. Or that it 'could have been', if only the leaders had been just a little more ruthless and violent in 'enforcing' it. In imposing it. In 're-educating' the people.

Re-educating the people to define propaganda lies as truth. Injustice as justice. War as peace. War crimes as 'pre-emptive self-defensive strikes'.

The ends never justify the means. The ends become the means of enforcement of a social reality upon the sheeple. The means of exterminating any true honest intellectual debate. Any chance of real reform and progress. Any chance of real evolution.

How naive I have been. We have always been living in a prison. They treat you O.K as long as you act in ways that serve the prison builder's purposes. But once you 'step out of line', they crush you. They make an example of you for all the other slaves. So that they won't get any 'strange' ideas into their heads of 'challenging' the right of the slave masters to enslave them. So they won't spread 'conspiracy theories' that expose the lies, and thus potentially open up the possibility of the sheeple ever coming to even approach the truth about the situation they find themselves in.

Consider this just an echo of a former transmission.

Soon I will have no conscious recollection of ever having engaged in this struggle with the Cult of Judah, and more importantly, your conditioned prejudices, and the social reality which you have become embedded in, and which you assume to be 'reality'.

Go Vegan. For as you do unto other sentient beings, so shall be done unto you.

No-one is anyone's 'natural' enemy. We have become our worst enemies. The puppet masters have employed the age old 'divide and rule' and 'make war by deception' to gain almost total control of every aspect of our lives. They have abused their power to define reality. They will win, unless you awake from your dogmatic slumbers.

My TROONATNOOR books can help you with that. But YOU have to do a little work. I can only act as guide, as the thousands of brilliant and honest philsophers before me guided ME.

All the best.

Hopefully I will escape this plane, and will see you all, one day, in higher planes.

Today most humans could not be trusted to be allowed to roam free in the multi-verse. We would be aa threat to any sane, rational, beneficient, good-welled, intelligent, enlightened beings.

Maybe this is a 'house of correction'.

I hope I've learned my lessons, and never have to return here.

Maybe it was never my place to try to save anyone but myself.

I'd better stop here, no point repeating thousands of pages of ideas and arguments you seem determined never to consider, as the total lack of interest in my TROONATNOOR books appears to attest.

Happy Next Lives.

Markus Heinrich Rehbach

This day, May 1, 2018, Estonia.


Here I am I wish I replied to you Markus Henry earlier to you here at steeit and elsewhere , for you your quest and request ! I support you. besides the hypnosis you got yourself that I object ( if you really did get yourself hypnotized )