Tron Dogs - Best way to get the epic & legendary dogs

in #trondogs7 years ago

If you want a breakdown of how to buy dogs and manage a store, check out this post

These buying strategies are all through my experiences with buying dogs so far, so if you have any other strategies that have helped you to buy more rare dogs, feel free to comment! Spreading the good news is only going to be helpful for the English community that is going to be starting this game on the new language releases.

Below, I will breakdown the strategies I have used and what may be best due to the high amount of website traffic at release.
Rare+ = Rare, Epic, Legendary Dogs.

First off, you always want to be ready to buy at the store drop time. Currently, the next store drop is scheduled for 2018-01-22 10:10 Beijing Time. Use your local time converter to get what time in your area the drop is happening. (Remember, East Asian times are a day ahead of the western countries, so make sure you take that into account). Drops have been increased from 10 stores every other day, to 20 stores everyday. As the new language releases are today, I'm sure traffic will heavily increase on the site. This does not bode well for trying to get the rare dogs, but I'm sure they will increase the number of store drops to a higher number in the coming days/weeks.

Strategy 1 (Buying from stores)

At store drop time, have the store numbers already open in your browser. As this is the latest store today:, 753, the next 20 stores will be from 753-773. It will be extremely difficult to be able to check all of the stores in a short period of time. So, it is best to choose 5-10 stores that you will have open before the stores drop. I would recommend choosing the later half of stores (764-773) as they are usually less laggy. What I mean by lag is, when purchasing dogs during the store drop period, there is an insane amount of traffic. This causes a number of issues when trying to purchase a dog. First off, the stores take a bit longer to load off of refresh, so you may end up refreshing again on accident, when the store was about to load. When clicking the purchase button on the dog in the store, your wallet takes a second to show up. You must not click the 2nd purchase button until your wallet amount is shown, or it will redirect you to an empty wallet page, and therefore have lost your chance to purchase that dog. SOMETIMES, the wallet never loads. These store pages must be refreshed. However, I have found that just moving on the the next store saves you the most time, which is very important to getting as many dogs as you can. Also, if your wallet happens to load and you are able to click the 2nd purchase and get a hello kitty dog with a black background, that means the "server is busy" and the dog is most likely already being purchased. I would click it a few more times just in case as I was able to purchase a few dogs even after seeing the hello kitty after the first click.

All of the stores usually sell out the legends immeditately, epics fairly quickly there after, and rares within the next few minutes. When using this strategy, you do still have a good chance to get rare+ dogs, however lag may totally screw you over. I have been able to pick up 2 epics and a few rares at once, but I have yet to pick up a legendary dog using this strategy. I think the only way you could get a legendary dog using stores, is if you are lucky with the FIRST store that you choose to view, and that store has a legendary that you are able to click before anyone else in the world.

Strategy 2 (Random List)

I began purchasing the dogs using the above strategy. However I have found that using the Random Dog List has been much more fruitful in my dog purchasing endeavors. Before the store drop time at 10:10 Beijing time, have a few tabs of your browser open. I usually open 4 chrome tabs open, and have the random list open on all 4 (zoom % so I can view all of the dogs that come out). If 2 tabs is easier for you, I would recommend that. It is very important that you are able to view all of the dogs at once for maximum speed as well as seeing if you are still logged in. If the top right of the page only has 3 tabs, you are logged out and must re-open the market page to get logged back in. If it has 4 tabs, your account profile is still loading so you are still logged in. The reason I mention this is because I had a legendary dog show up once, and I wasn't logged in. So I couldn't purchase the legendary batman *tears. Once the stores drop, start refreshing each browser (F5 shortcut). As the store drop periods have extreme lag, it may take a few seconds for the random list to pop up after clicking refresh. If you click the browser that hasn't loaded, it will sometimes load the pets onto the page. But, because of the high lag, sometimes the random pet list doesn't show up at all. So you just refresh that page again.

This strategy takes a bit of practice as the refreshing is never straightforward. Sometimes the page loads, and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes you have to click the browser that hasn't loaded to have the dogs show up, but sometimes it never loads at all. After your first couple of times using this method, you will get used to what pages you need to refresh, and what pages you want to wait a couple more seconds on. But as you have more than 1 page open, the chance of you being able to see a epic/legendary dog is much higher.

Using this strategy, I have had times where I have seen 6-8 epics show up on the random list. Yesterday I only had 1 epic show up, but saw 2 legendaries. Overall, my luck has been much better using the random pet list. I have talked to many people who have gotten their legendaries using this method, and not the store method. I usually keep trying on the random pet list till about 10:20, as rares still show up at that time. Epics usually stop showing up around 10:15.

The last reason why I believe this strategy is better, is because I have yet to have an instance where my wallet does not load, other than when I was logged out. So if you pay attention to the top right tabs while you are refreshing, you shouldn't encounter this issue.


With the current lag issues, it is best to open a lot of different browsers on the random pet list and just wait for the page to load at store drop time. Hopefully the servers will be updated very soon. I've seen rares for over an hour after the store drop, most likely due to the increased amount of stores as well as the lag. I was able to get a hulk last night 30 minutes later.

Strategy 3 (Mix of both)

You can always try using both methods. Have a couple stores pre-opened in one half of your screen, and the random list on the other half. Once the store sells out, you can open another random list browser and keep trying from there.

As all of these strategies are from my personal experiences, it would be great if you guys could share any other ways that work for you!
If you decide to buy a normal dog, help me sell out my stores below

Donations welcome, I need more doggies! 0x43da318f4b0c97df2ca4efec46b846aceeec86c8


Great post!
I have been trying with opening the stores as soon as they come out.
But with the lag it makes it hard to do.
I had my finger on a legendary, but it would load the price, just kept saying server busy until i refreshed and it was sold.
I will try the random list method though.
Thanks for sharing!

It seems like they significantly upgraded their servers for yesterday's store drops. Dogs were loading instantly and the random list was fairly unlucky. I think going back to stores may be the best way to buy again with the removal of lag. All the rare + dogs disappeared within like 3 minutes, since the servers were much much faster than previous.

You should join our telegram for dog store owners, we help buy each other stores out! (My Store) (Anyone) (Store owners only)

Hey! I'm an admin in that telegram :) but thanks for re-sharing