
Your freedom does not trump anothers, especially when they have caused no physical harm. Hell, no other forms of harm have resulted at all.

Anyway, Steem has always been Centralized. Sun will not be changing that fact is all.

Freedoms can trump others. The law of the jungle is tough.

If you're not a lion: Be prepared to fight lions.

As for physical harm? Well, if we have a war for the blockchain, it's not like anyone will raise a fist over it. Just words and code.

Internet drama and virtual cash is worthless compared to the world outside. Have fun with the drama. Taking the internet too seriously is never a good idea.

Lol, supporting the drama(the softfork)is taking the internet too seriously. So, it is your side creating drama. I simply agree to disagree😀

In the end I don't really care.

I don't mind drama, and I do care- as much as is reasonable.

But you know, it's also reasonable that a little ant will scream when your boot's shadow comes over it. But does it matter?


We live in a world where everything we do on centralized platforms is seen, the visibility is controlled, and communities are crushed. This isn’t just a matter of “it’s just the internet calm down” it’s a matter of one of the only platforms or places in the modern world where there is freedom for communities to congregate without outside meddling from the establishments that be and their social justice fueled agenda to dominate what we consume. Both of you do care you’re just not willing to admit it.