Thanks, I knew you are the caring type...
Please look, that was my big mistake, is just I did not have any balance on the exchange eBit is on:
Now, I really need to wait, or maybe not, not sure.
Will likely enter like you said in your ETN comment, on a FOMO impulse.
But seeing that eBTC first time, I had the feeling it is good...
Hopefully this article of mine is not too late! Check out my opinion on your request/question in my article published just a moment ago on EBTC via this link eBitcoin (EBTC) News Update And Analysis | 20 January 8pm (UTC) | Kucoin Listing And Short Term Analysis
I saw eBTC on 1st place on Kucoin voting page, this is from where I learned about it first.
Is just there also is one more news that you might have missed, this one:
If you have a moment and you feel up to it, I take your advice as to the open order, I am ready to place it now...
The price now is 0.00015174 BTC. ISo if you were to do that, exactly what orders will you put, if you do not mind...
Like I mentioned in the article I would stack from 9500 - 7000. But I got all locked up in other trades at the moment, and no currency on HitBTC, so I will probably not make the trade. I'd like to though.
Not sure about actual relative quantities .. i didn't look at that closely enough to have an informed opinion.
Thank you. I added that in the comment section of the analysis article. It is indeed good news. Previously I have observed patterns where prices undergo a correction despite hype. The figures are high, so I associate a high risk with entering this high. ALways buy in a low (4 hour candlesticks). That is the most important part. If you enter relatively low, you are more likely to go up, if other indicators such as sentiment, progress, team etc are all green.
Thank you very much, I still have so much to learn while trading... And around me no one to help me decide, no one in real life to even brainstorm with, so maybe Steemit is a great place for me after all :-)
Funny, I came here before to delete my last reply, the one with the question about the exact price order, I thought that that question was slightly too much...
And I couldn't delete it cause you have already answered it :-)
I purchased half before I came here and for the other half, I will put an open order according to your low 4 h candlestick advice :-)
Almost a week ago I left an open order for GEO, it did not go through, so I canceled it, exchange my BTC to DOGE, and sent it to HitBTC, I am sorry I did not do that last night...
Often things like that LOL
but, I am doing better and better, not long time ago I thought that trading is not for me at all.