Far-Right Extremist Smashes Up Birmingham Mosques!

in #trnews5 years ago (edited)

Islamophobia is on the rise in the Midlands as another hate crime leads to an arrest and prosecution. Far-Right Extremist Smashes Up Birmingham Mosques!

Islamophobic Hate Crimes

In March of this year, several Mosques were vandalised, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage. The Birmingham Muslim community were under siege with wave after wave of Islamophobic attacks on their places of worship. What kind of sick minded individual would attack a mosque?

West Midlands Police Chief Constable Dave Thompson said:

"Since the tragic events in Christchurch, New Zealand, officers and staff from West Midlands Police have been working closely with our faith partners across the region to offer reassurance and support at mosques, churches and places of prayer."
It was comforting for the local Birmingham Muslim community to know that West Midlands Police were on the case to deal with these Islamophobic attacks.

Shabana Mahmood, a member of parliament for Birmingham, said the reported attacks were:

"Truly terrible. I would urge all residents to remain calm and call [the police] with any info you may have,"
A spokesman from the Birmingham Council of Mosques said:
"We were deeply horrified to hear a number of mosques were vandalised during the early hours of this morning. Birmingham's mosques are a place of worship, serenity and a source of peace and tranquillity. We are appalled by such acts of hate/terror."
The rise of islamophobia has had a very chilling effect on the Muslim community in Birmingham, out of darkness and hate comes light, love, consolidation and community. Birmingham Muslims will not be intimidated by Far-Right Islamophobes.

Kamran Hussain, the general manager at Birmingham's Green Lane Mosque said:

"I think that all religious institutions do need access to a high-security budget [from the government], in light of the fact that far-right extremists have been left for too long. Far-right extremism ... is now in Eastern Europe, it is in America, and it has been left unchallenged in many aspects. We haven't addressed it in the media or even at government level."
It is a beautiful thing to see and hear when the Muslim community band together pushing back on such wanton hatred and intolerance.

Read more HERE.

Stand Up Against Islamophobia In Brum!
Stand Up Against Islamophobia In Brum!

Spiteful Sectarianism Silly!

Yesterday the "Islamophobic Far-Right" peddler of hate and intolerance had his day in court. The destroyer of religious sanctity was finally dealt with by the cold unforgiving hand of justice, now the Birmingham Muslim community could sleep well again, knowing this Far-Right thug was behind bars.

More than £11,000 of damange was caused to Witton Islamic Centre, Al-Habib Trust and Jamia Masjid Ghausia, all in Aston, Masjid Madrassa Faizul Islam in Perry Barr and Jam-E-Masjid Qiblah Hadhrat Sahib Gulhar Shareef in Erdington. Each of these Mosques congregations were left deeply upset, disturbed and fearful from the attack.

A 34 year old Shia Iranian Muslim named Arman Rezazadeh admitted religiously aggrivated criminal damage. He confessd to give himself an opportunity to "expose" false religious teachings, the court was told.

Judge Michael Chambers QC said Rezazadeh had been "motivated by religious hatred" and all the mosques he attacked were used by Sunni Muslims. He also said the attacks were "planned and premeditated."

Finalising his thoughts on the matter judge Chambers said:

"The harm in this case has been extremely substantial - the impact on the local and wider Muslim community has been huge."
With one less Far-Right Islamophobe like Arman Rezazadeh walking the streets Birmingham is much much safer now. Together we can Make Birmingham Great Again!

You can read more about this story HERE and HERE.

Please share with #SpitefulSectarianismSilly

Posted from TR.News with SteemPress : https://www.tr.news/far-right-extremist-smashes-up-birmingham-mosques/


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@tommyrobinson, It's always Unfortunate to see how people become Evil Actors and try to ruin the lives of Innocent People.

Evil 😈 Actors have no Religion. This is a Battle between Good** and Evil. And Humanity have to stand strong to defeat the Evil World.

Have a great time ahead and stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hardly islamophobia! Centuries old Sunni vs Shia

- Gray

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Nothing bigger than Humanity. Stay blessed.

You say that 'evil actors have no religion' so one may ask you if Satan is a religious figure? If he is then which religion do you speak of that eludes to innocence in religion? A precise answer would be welcome. Plain English and plain meanings.

- Rhomphaeam

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I don't want to be perfect in English. In my opinion no one belongs to any religion, everyone belongs to a belief. So we have to stand strong to defeat the evil 😈 beliefs. Stay blessed.

Thanks for your reply.

The reason I asked my question was because your original comments alluded to your present reply. It concerns me that we have been drawn into a way of commenting on social media that reduces things to mere ideas. All ideas are no more than philosophy until we act on them. Then they become material substance in our own lives and the lives of others when we act against others. I asked about Satan simply because that character appears in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. So if one were to be rational one would have to assert (from your answer) that Satan (Iblis) does not form part of anyones belief and that he is therefore a mere idea that one can play with as one feels inclined. Islam is no mere religion and much more than a set of ideas. It is undoubted and real.

Perhaps I should say that your own position is essentially philosophical, and in religious parlance it is polytheistic or pagan. Whereas Judaism, Christianity and Islam reject that universal materialistic pantheon of good and evil to be held as a mere choice - and instead assert consequences of choice as indicators of ones own intentions. Philosophy cannot change religious belief.

Is Satan on the same side as those who choose good? Or is he by his name (God's opponent) not evil? Belief and religion are the same thing when viewed from causality and Satan is no mere man.

Well its all a little meaningless no doubt, but I just wanted to make a simple point expressed as a question, and your answer is that belief trumps religion.

If 'no one belongs to any religion, [and] everyone belongs to a belief' [and] So we have to stand strong to defeat the evil' then there is no religion and and no evil in belief. So my dear friend is Satan an actor in anyones beliefs? Shalom.
- Rhomphaeam

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First of all i want to appreciate you for this extended conversation.

Genuinely speaking i know nothing about the Satan and Satanism and i don't believe either. I know one thing and in my opinion I've formed this pattern by general observation of life and analysing practical aspects, and that Idea is, life runs on the Cycle Of Dualism and Human Beings have both Positive (Good) and Negative (Evil) attributes. Some human beings feed to positivity and some negativity and if i have to put it in simple words then i will call it as Battle Of Good And Evil. Stay blessed.

In the Christian faith good and evil (when centred as a perception of individuals) is certainly an interesting way to see things. Your 'dualism' may be a little like that. Luke 11:3 and Matthew 7:11 seem to speak into your point. When I share with my Christian friends a verse in the bible which speaks about parents being evil but doing good things they are somewhat uncomfortable. So I ask them if they object to Jesus telling a large crowd that they can do good things. The smart ones just stay silent because the same Jesus also called the same large crown, evil first. Your dualism is of course a philosophy and like all philosophy there are no absolutes. In Islam that absolute definition of evil is removed from individuals lives and becomes a demand to submit to Allah and his prophet. Everything arising from that in experience of that submission is Shari'ah. So Islam is practical too - even to the extent that individuals' actions are measured by submission and not by practical effect. Jesus threw that onto its head by asserting a condition of the individual and still seeing that those 'evil' individuals can do good things. Positive and negative as moral or practical perceptions are by definition relative. I agree that when viewed practically people can be seen to both do positive and negative things (if we agree that basic human decency is desirable and that decency means feeding your children or treating others respectfully).

Hey hoy - religion is a gall of bitterness - but Islam is a poisonous cup. Shalom my friend.
- Rhomphaeam

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I don't Judge any Religion because i don't have complete Knowledge. I believe that it's all depends on Individuals which path they pursue. Stay blessed.

Why is this perpetrator described as "a far right extremist" or an "islamaphobe"? He's a Muslim himself! Minorities and the SJW guilt brigade, will automatically assume that the perpetrator is a white anglo-saxon British man. The controlled media relentlessly pedals lies about a "far right extremist threat" that is designed to intimidate white Brits who disagree with forced cultural marxism/marginalisation. "Far right extremist" is by definition assumed to refer to white men and occasionally white women. Why is this appearing on TR News at all? The whole tone of the article is misleading with demands for more money for "high security" for Mosques and the mention of the Christchurch Mosque shootings which again points the reader towards white extremism. Are you taking the piss TRNews? Why are there pictures of Muslims holding "fight islamaphobia" placards. The vandal who did the smashing isn't an Islamaphobe.
- Stivbator F

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So in other words it had nothing to do with so-called Islamophobic "far right extremists" but just the centuries old bitchfest between sunni and shia muslims. Another case of muslims using any thing to push their bullshit islamophobia wheelbarrow. "The mosques are our barracks" said Ergodon, don't ever forget that; places of worship my arse, they pray in the streets and disrupt everyone else.

- Slick

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Send every one of them home. Purge the country.

- Ct66

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We're looking forward to seeing your comments.

I imagine you are!

- Rhomphaeam

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