Never Save for Tomorrow What You Can Do Today!

in #triptolemus7 years ago

This is one of my favorite quotes from an amazing essay by Benjamin Franklin called "The Way to Wealth." I consider it to be a great motivator and it's something that I look to often when I don't know what to do with myself:

“Never leave that till to-morrow, which you can do to-day.” — “If you were a servant, would you not be ashamed that a good master should catch you idle? Are you then your own master? be ashamed to catch yourself idle, when there is so much to be done for yourself, your family, your country, and your king.” - "The Way to Wealth", Benjamin Franklin

Not only is it leaving a great message of "Don't procrastinate", but it's also leaving a much broader lesson about how to manage oneself.

When you're managing yourself and your life, you should think of yourself as being your own "master" or boss, if you will.

A lot of people want to work towards this idea of financial freedom - I know I idolize that idea and chase after it day after day - the idea of being financially free is the same as the idea of being your own boss and being in charge of your own life and what you do from day to day.

If you feel like you constantly procrastinate on the things you know you should be doing like - reading, tracking your diet, working out, writing, etc. then you should realize that you are your own boss... nobody is going to hold you accountable to your dreams other than you.

Once you get over this idea of being told what to do - something that is hammered into kids at schools all over the world in the hopes to create fantastic "assembly line mentality" workers - you realize that if you just treat yourself like you're in charge, then everything changes.

Everything becomes clear. It becomes clear that to get to your dreams you just have to follow your instincts about what to do each day. If you know reading is important to becoming a world-class investor, then you need to hold yourself accountable to a daily reading schedule!!


This is very real, by routine, stress and work many times we put aside what we dream. It is up to us to start acting and ask God for guidance on the way. Blessings @triptolemus

Hey @triptolemus what a great thought you shared. This is very true and must be followed in our life. We never know what will happen tomorrow so its always best to finish the task which you can do today. Tomorrow never comes my dear friend.

A friend is someone who understand your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today just the way you are.

I agree!! Having a friend who understands and accepts you is amazing!

Beautiful and excellent post, greetings.

thank you!! I appreciate that, greetings to you as well!