Okay, thanks for your reply. I want to be clear with this, am I now a member of @earthtribe? What do I need to do next? Thank you.
Posted using Partiko Android
Okay, thanks for your reply. I want to be clear with this, am I now a member of @earthtribe? What do I need to do next? Thank you.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes you are, however we are asking that you increase the frequency of your environmentalist posting somewhat. When you do them they are great, we would just like to see more of them for continued membership. I have sent you more details on Discord.
Noted. I will. Thanks so much guys. I'm so happy to hear this because it is a good news for me.
Posted using Partiko Android
We are honored to support environmentalists of all nations, creeds, and descents. Happy to have you on the team, and greatly looking forward to us helping each other grow like the wonderful gardens of cultivation. Blessings!