Hello beautiful people
Welcome to another Weekly TribeSteemUp Curation, where I get to showcase some of the great posts/videos created by the tribe members. All of which really embody what the Tribe stands for.

For those of you who don't know, the TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write posts and create videos that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |
The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

Today I have 17 posts/videos to share with you all today and they are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives and keeping us informed about what is happening around the world today. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

There's Still Time...


2020: Improving My Vision and Acuity

In the great scheme of Life, everything IS already manifest and existing somewhere in the great, soupy void, and it is my vibration, my vision and my ability to see possibility that changes, or creates, anything.
So what am I already doing differently in 2020? I am changing the vantage point from which I choose to see things, and changing what I choose to focus my eyes, my energy and my time on. It's a bit like waking from sleep and rubbing your eyes until the blur clears so you can SEE where to walk, what to wear, and whether it's raining outside.

Mindful Monday - Setting Intentions - Goals and Making Changes - Look Out 2020 Here I Come...

In the Abundance Challenge, each day after the meditation, we were given a centering thought for the day. I wrote these on sticky notes to have for reminders. I'll be using those (the first 10) in this post.
At the beginning it was all about just being able to see the abundance around you.
This fit in with my adapting a shortened version of the Thanksgiving Address - a Greeting to the Natural World with the original Haudenosaunee word or title translated to Words Before all Else. I have made the change to start my day being grateful and I realize I have everything I need, food, clothing, shelter, love and companionship! What a difference this makes to have that mindset instead of being grumpy or worrying about your aches and pains (Me grumpy - never or complain - not me! Ha Ha!)

The key to promoting Steem is NOT promoting Steem

I’m excited about steem again. I want this place to grow again because I see a clear path for it to recover from most of its downfalls and it doesn’t seem far fetched at all.
One of our biggest hurdles is not only onboarding new users but maintaining new users. Many people have passed through here, and though many have stayed, many more have not.
There are many reasons for this. The slump in the crypto market and steem prices certainly don’t help, and while bidbots have become less of a problem and reward distribution is better than ever, it’s hard to change our image and actions speak louder than words.

Building Healthier Habits and Allowing Space for Exceptions plus Cleaning up Other People's Unhealthy Habits

After throwing all glass, paper and plastic in the designated containers, my eye fell on a little, pink piece of paper that was still stuck in my bag. I picked it up and discovered it was a tiny sticky note, about an inch in length, with the following message written on it:
"All is Well"
It made me smile. I think this little mantra was uttered in an episode of Deepak Chopra's 'Daily Breath' podcast that I listen to on an almost daily basis.
I enjoyed my walk even more than usual, as it had a purpose now. Not just a personal one ( keeping me fit, inspiring me ) but a bigger purpose: cleaning the environment / nature.

Are we the Master or Slaves of our Mind?

How will life be if everything will be in perfect order, everything will happen just the way we want, everything is in perfect harmony. Just a very perfect life of our imagination. Is this possible. I would say why not? And I say this because I believe that everything starts from our mind and everything ends over there. So nothing is impossible to happen with us. But reaching to this level is a task in itself which sometimes takes a lifetime to reach to. Some do reach this stage on a temporary basis also but then one fine day there is a jolt and suddenly we feel shaken up, and we start questioning our own belief system, we feel like we have again reached to level 0 from where we started.

Leaders, Masters, and Rulers - Same, Same... But Different?

Earlier today, I saw a sign stuck to a telephone pole that had some crazy art, and said "no gods, no leaders," which I found to be a mildly disturbing variation on the old anarchist chant: No Gods, No Masters.
As happens so often when I notice a little thing in the world that seems off, I decided to share my thoughts on it with you :-) This quickly led to the idea that the words leader, master, and ruler, are often misunderstood & misused in American society.

When Being Gifted is no Gift.

Raising and homeschooling my daughters raised challenges I didn't always have the foresight to see what consequences there might be for them. They are both very different, not only in how they learn, but how they were treated because of it. My eldest picked up things quickly and easily, whereas my youngest needed more visual, hands on practise to achieve the same. Often that annoying word, gifted, would crop up for my eldest.

The Ability To Diminish Power

Steem, along with other blockchains, is in a very interesting position. Never before have we see so much power given as we are seeing with the push towards decentralization.
While this will not be an overnight process, nor will it likely ever be complete since some business models do work better under centralization, we are seeing a move towards the breakdown of the present financial system.
Of course, presently, we are seeing the same tactics used as in the past. Regulators and lawmakers are running around trying to legislate behavior. They are operating as if entities/individuals have no choice.

ecoTrain QOTW: What would I like to do differently this year? My resolute non-New Year's resolutions

Resolutely making no New Year's resolutions
There is a very good reason for this. I have never made any New Year's resolutions. Never...Ever.
Maybe it's my inner rebel that has always tried to go against the grain of everything 'normal' or 'common', or it's because I don't see the point. Maybe a bit of both. Whenever I hear people say: 'My New Year's resolutions are...' I feel like slapping them around the ears with their last year's resolutions, and remind them that they probably gave up on most of them before the month of January came to an end. I call 'Bah Humbug' on NY resolutions! Just like I am not the fondest of Christmas, I am quite the grinch when it comes to all those resolutions that pass by just before the 1st of January.

How Specialization & Conventional Dogmas Project On Body Organs And Their Functions

I have already written about my doubts regarding the view that things exist separately from one another in actuality, apart from our social conventions, obsession with self-identification and our elaborately conditioned worldview.
When I thought about it more I saw that this obsession with our separation-assumptions has largely carried over into our view on our own bodies and its functions as well. We somehow manage to project the tendencies of separation and overspecialization onto organs and bodily systems without quite acknowledging that they do in fact serve a multitude of purposes all at once all the time, rather than the one specific task everyone is familiar with.

USA Officially Selling War. Trump Publicly Marketing CIA's Own Mafia Protection Racket.

I have long been explaining how the US military is used as the 'Kingdom Towing Service' for the banking and oligarchy groups (credit to Trevor Ravenscroft for that term). The idea being that when certain groups want to manipulate other countries they create situations where either the military of the US is called out for for defence or where the military is literally used to reclaim unpaid debts (always under the cover of other reasons). The US involvement in numerous South American coups and middle eastern too are just some of the examples. The book 'CIA as organised crime' goes into graphic detail of some of the methods used and so too did the work of John Perkins in his 'economic hitman' books/videos.

How to make EZ Leaf Compost and Leaf Mold to SUPERCHARGE your Garden
Don't be fooled into thinking leaves are a waste, they can be a huge assest to your garden and used many different ways. You can make leaf compost, leaf mold, or even use it as a mulch for your garden. Today I will show you how to make both leaf mold and leaf compost.

Applying Permaculture Principles To My Life - Integrate rather than segregate

If we were to follow our instincts, we would live a life of integration. Integration with the world around us and all living things within it. This mindset of segregation, is a modern mindset. It serves those in power well to alienate us from others and from ourselves.
When you look at nature, everything is connected. It is the relationships between them all that helps everything to thrive. Creating a healthy and thriving ecosystem. The plants, the insects the animals, they all co operate together.
Yet in human society we are more likely to compete against one another than work together. From a young age, we are told to focus on personal success, to do all that we can so that we succeed and be the best. Introducing this competitive nature.

NON VIOLENT COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP WITH ECOTRAIN- Join us & heal your relationships and your life.

Are you tired of having the same arguments with your friends and family, and never really getting anything resolved? Do your children not listen to you or rebel against everything you say or just keep saying "Whatever"? Would you like to learn the most powerful way I know to almost instantly change the dynamics and resolve conflicts that you may have been having for years? Then please read on and discover what Non Violent Communication is really all about, and learn practical tips and knowledge that will empower you to take control of conflicts without needing the other person to do anything differently. They will act differently quite naturally, once you understand and learn how to speak the new language of The Giraffe!


Peanut Butter Coconut Curry with Cummin Chapatis

We're cleaning out our cupboards ready to go off for 8 months. If you'd like a half empty jar of lime pickle or a quarter jar of peanut butter, you're more than welcome to come get it. It's kinda fun - I'm being creative with my dinners because I'm using up ingredients as per what we have rather than a shopping list to follow a craving whim. Plus, we're broke, so we are old mother hubbarding it.
Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To get her poor dog a bone;
But when she got there,
The cupboard was bare,
And so the poor dog had none
Todays' dish was inspired by our upcoming travels to India I suppose, as I had a sudden craving for chapati, and a few kilos of biodynamic flour to use up.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.

Sounds good!
I just stopped by to try and figure out why you're giving me such BIG upvotes!
This account follows the @informationwar curation trail with a 5% vote, and IW is voting on your content :-)
Ok, thanks for the 411!
And keep up the good work!
Some truly beautiful content this week - passionate, precise and very personal. Love it. Kudos to you @trucklife-family for you endless generosity of spirit with the curation. Standing ovation.
Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
Together We’re Making This World A Better Place.
Click Here To Join the manually curated trail "@artemislives" to support quality eco-green content.
thanks so much @artemislives I do love taking the time to go through and read what everyone writes, we are a very diverse and creative tribe with so much wisdom amongst us all xxx
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