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RE: How identifying with labels & archetypes can be fun & empowering.. Plus: BIG @TribeSteemUp news!

in #tribesteemup7 years ago (edited)

Why are you channeling said delegation (from James) into supporting abusive scammers here? I ask this respectfully, Kenny. I know you do not like me. But seriously. This is horrible for the platform.

A career politician, platform abuser here, that is now thanking people they previously called "pro-pedophile" and enemies of liberty, for their official political endorsement. Pure, slimy, chameleon political pandering. This has nothing to do with liberty, or freedom. Enough.

It's embarrassing to the rest of us who actually care about more than votes here.

There is a whole laundry list of platform abusive behavior and fraudulent, unprincipled, anti-freedom garbage (see link) that all of you guys seem to want to ignore. Many of us are sick of it.

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Why are you channeling said delegation (from James) into supporting abusive scammers here?

Because giving him up to 1 upvote/day to replace what he could have upvoted himself with the 500k delegation he had was part of the terms of @TribeSteemUp getting that delegation transferred to it.

A satisfactory answer. Thank you, Kenny. Sounds like we need to bring this to @jamesc's attention. Thank you for answering my question directly. I respect that. Sad that that stipulation had to be put on your delegation. @jamesc should really watch his investments more closely, if he cares about this place. Thanks for the help you provide, Kenny.

I would assume that James has probably seen the back & forth (less 2-way after the debate) between you & Adam, but obviously I don't know.

I don't believe the delegation coming out of his account was on the basis of not supporting Adam anymore, but because that SP was mostly being used to support the photography of the guy running the actual account instead, and in TSU it can do vastly more good.

You probably noticed that he did not receive any support from TSU, or from myself, since way back when you shared your collection of screenshots & such. I haven't heard anything to refute your claims, though also haven't heard anything from the people making those complaints, so I have effectively removed the whole mess from my life.

You may also remember that I never encouraged anyone to vote or otherwise put time into politics, and my main points in the positive of the (apparently now defunct) presidential campaign were the use of it to spread the message contained in FREEDOM! (which you agree with more than I do, lol).

When it came time for the delegation to move and agreements were needed, my concern was around what I could do with another 500k for the ~200 people on my list (as well as the other lists I'm able to support as well), and since the whole million is James' stake in truth, I'm just grateful for the opportunity to spread the abundance as best I can.

Edit/PS: I don't "not like you". I have no interest in hearing about your battle to bring Kokesh down, especially when it involves commenting on my posts completely unrelated to him (this one there is a correlation, though in previous ones there weren't) with a giant wall of text, then up-voting the comment to the top of the thread (which you did this time), as well as the lumping me with supporters of his campaigns & actions ("all of you guys seem to want to ignore"), and generally antagonistic approach to communicating with people who you claim to be trying to persuade.

Kenny, I appreciate this answer more than you know.

Many have attempted to paint me, including yourself at times, as something of an off-the-handle troll, which really frustrated me to no end, as all I wanted to do was point out the inconsistencies, abuse of the platform, and outright toxicity brought to conversations by way of one Adam Kokesh.

I could care less what a politician does. I do care, however, when a huckster, and slimy politician starts to tell folks he's a Voluntaryist and manipulate and lie to people. I have no interest in being a "gatekeeper." I have huge, immeasurable, I suppose, interest in keeping this beautiful philosophy that has really saved my life, free of parasitism and emotional manipulation by charismatic figures out for their own financial and political gain, and little more. It's an embarrassment to principled anarchists everywhere, and bad for the growth and success of Steemit as a whole, another thing that I love, and which has, in a very real sense (though some may find this cheesy) "saved my life."

I suspect that ultimately you are a genuinely caring dude with good intentions (in spite of some of the shit you've sent my way when I've tried to point out some of this stuff), and I actually respect you. The organizational skill, and real effort it takes to organize something like TSU is not to be ignored.

We of course do not see eye to eye on everything. I do not know what the hell a "crystal grid" is, and I don't have much interest in incantations reciting the name of every ancient god known to man since time immemorial, but I do think...that you are somebody with a lot of force and power, that can make big changes in this world, because of your empathy.

I hope you understand now why I have been so adamant about calling this phony out. He needs help. But he is tricking people, manipulating people, adding a toxic element to this platform he has abused and used, and is denigrating the simple philosophy of objective reality that has changed my life--and so many others--in the name of political gain.

The fact that you have answered me here directly means a lot to me. I want to support any initiative that really wants to give a hand up, to other power individuals, that maybe are not so recognized.

I'm not the bastard you think I am. I just cannot compromise for phonies. I hope Adam gets the help he needs. I want to support TSU. But know this: I am what I am. :) And that's all there is to it.

Thank you for answering me.

Edit: As for the “giant walls of text” and my so-called antagonistic approach, I would like to make it clear that when I raised these concerns even without being confrontational I was called “just jealous,” “a troll,” etc. You were one of those leveling these types of insults.

Many have attempted to paint me, including yourself at times, as something of an off-the-handle troll, which really frustrated me to no end

I can understand this frustration, and feel it is probably similar to the frustration I felt at you bombarding my posts which had nothing to do with Adam or were specifically analyzing the conversations between you & him/Larken & him. I am only responsible for myself, and not for the actions/words of another. In my experience of those interactions, much of what felt like attacks from you was directed AT me, but was in response to things OTHERs had said/done.

We of course do not see eye to eye on everything. I do not know what the hell a "crystal grid" is, and I don't have much interest in incantations reciting the name of every ancient god known to man since time immemorial...

I literally LOL'd here :-) I personally love the places where the philosophy of different anarchists don't quite match up, and often see those as the conversations with the most potential for everyone to learn & grow (I remember a conversation we had about land ownership that was extremely insightful & fun).

I suspect that ultimately you are a genuinely caring dude with good intentions... and I actually respect you. The organizational skill, and real effort it takes to organize something like TSU is not to be ignored... but I do think... that you are somebody with a lot of force and power, that can make big changes in this world, because of your empathy.

I appreciate that, and certainly have spent a LOT of time, energy, and focus over the last 6 years to reprogram my brain out of the competitive, morally subjective, trauma-based character that my childhood & government indoctrination shaped.

My intentions are quite simple really: to focus on my own healing, integration, and growth at all times, to offer my experiences for others to learn from, and to help build a peaceful world through doing no harm to others. When I fall or stumble along the way, I see it as an opportunity to learn, and often share it publicly as well to help hold myself accountable (after our last word-flinging, my next post was specifically about the importance of empathy, clarity, and love in our communication, and how I still don't always come from that place).

I am glad you are pushing the topic, and have expressed that I think it would be best if AK responded to your claims & images. Whatever is happening / has happened between him, his campaign folks, and anyone else does not include me. He's hired me twice to cook for private events on his dust-farm, and that is the extent of our business dealings. I do not write about him or his campaign (occasionally mentioning his book still), and would really appreciate not being dragged into his battles.

I see no moral way to "vote" ourselves to a better world (and never registered to vote), I STRONGLY advocate that everyone stop paying taxes (and never have myself), I believe that leaders are those who go first and lead the way, which doesn't require any form of institution or "authority"... I am also living my own life, in a way that things like politics & politicians literally do not crossover with my reality, and I genuinely ask that you remove me from what I'm imagining as a wall covered in sticky-notes & newspaper clippings about AK & his schemes (not meant to be a bad thing, as a kid I wanted to be one of those private investigators with a room that looked like that)

If there is something (like the voting you came here to ask about) that you need to question/challenge me on, please just ask via PM or at least without voting it to the top of my comments and including so much more than the question itself.

I just asked a question. You have answered. I appreciate it.

I am relieved that at least some of the madness is acknowledged.

I never meant to "drag you" into anything, but feel it is important to note that you were dismissive of my even questioning this character.

Believe me, I wish he were gone from this whole scene.

Expect no more sticky notes from me, Kenny. But next time I say that I am concerned about something, don't just chalk it up to "jealousy" or some other bizarre accusation like that, okay?

Yes. I hope we can be at peace from here on out.

Now it is up to @jamesc to take control of his investment here.

Consider me a supporter of TSU, generally speaking.

And please give me your Discord handle (if you are alright with that) so I can contact you directly, and not clutter your posts.


If I dragged you into anything inappropriately, I am sorry about that.

I think #kokesh has lost his footing #weld has wielded himself and evil man by his words and support towards evil and manipulative actions against innocent lives !

Kokesh has certainly never had his feet on solid principle, it would seem. Now he shows it very clearly.

This will crush his chances of any grassroots help. Like Rand Paul endorsing Mitt Romney.

Thank god. The grassroots need to help themselves, before they get taken in by yet another scam.