This is very much in alignment with something a Native American spiritual teacher was telling me earlier today about what had come through to her in a vision.
Some other details she shared were that by the time the young people you're talking about reach middle age, people will be traveling much less and when they do travel they will do some by land and in groups. There will be much less air travel. In general, people will stay close to the land and the community focused on that land.
I feel like many of us are being guided to prepare for the emerging world (what she referred to as 5D), whether we have been given the terms that describe why or not. My being drawn to NM and to off-grid building I think was a part of it. Though now that I'm starting to understand these things, it causes me to make some additional decisions. Intuitive guidance is great, but so is people sharing info with each other!
Thanks so much for this post. Very encouraging, at a very discouraging time in our history.
I will be so bold as to say NM will be one of the places of refuge in the decades to come due to dramatic climate change, the source of which will not be "warming". (Posting on this soon). Also there will be a growing spiritual energy there that you no doubt will be part of that will be a sort of sanctuary for many. The reasons you moved to NM will manifest over the next 10 years. I suspect you'll be both surprised and amazed. Blessings.