My Answer to What Does Being Aware Mean To You (posed by @tribesteemup)

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)


I am so happy to find a crowd of like-minded people at @tribesteemup who truly value the earth and making the world a better place.

Sharing what really matters and creating content that makes you think. It is an honour to considered part of this too <3

Here are the 8 pillars of @tribesteemup, rather awesome, don’t you think?


What Being Aware Means to Me…

Being aware is being in the moment. If we concentrate we can be aware of the fact that it is just you and the moment and the rest of the world doesn’t matter.

I am going to demonstrate this by writing a stream of consciousness piece of what I am doing right at this moment…

At this moment, I am sat in the place that my daughters and I call the beautiful place. It is a little piece of greenery with a couple of benches and pretty trees with traffic all around.

I am sat here watching one seagull and its minions who are pigeons.

The seagull is inches away from my foot and I as write this, I am looking at its most amazing golden eyes. He is looking at me quizzically waiting for me to do something interesting.

I’m not sure if his chest is just dirty or he is an adult seagull just coming out of its delinquent years.

I think it is the same seagull that was here earlier, if fact I know it is, when me and the girls were eating battered sausage and chips, it kept circling us and even crept up behind the bench and gave the white paper the chips were on a tug, through the crack.

I’m wearing sandals, I hope he doesn’t think my toes are a healthy snack.

The pigeons are all relaxed around me, some of them are even settled into nesting position. I am barely moving as I write this and they are milling around my feet and I am basking in the perfectness of their sparkly green and pinky purple feathers in their neck that the sun brings out in their full glory.

My mind tunes into the gentle coos and they relax me, despite the traffic being far louder.

Someone walks by and they all fly or hop away, but then they come back. Are they studying me, as I am them?

Each pigeon is subtly different - different shades of greys, some even slightly brown, rather than grey and the knobbly white bits on their beaks, are different knobbly shapes.

And there is one poor soul that is definitely at the bottom of the pecking chain, stood to one side perching on one tired pink foot.

I just realised that my sandals are kind of silvery grey. I wonder if they think my feet are some weird kind of deformed version of themselves.

There is one particular pigeon who can’t keep its beady eyes off my foot. I’m watching you pigeon!

I am talking to them now. I am thinking that their coos are more coherent than many recent conversations with humans I’ve had. Pleasanter outcome too.

Another woman has just sat down on the bench a little further up and I have been deserted. She doesn’t even have any food.


Wrapping up the narrative…

So, there you go that is my narrative of being in the moment and aware of just what is going on around me.

I find the best moments are being aware are when observing nature, love is all its various forms and savouring the taste of chocolate.

What are your favourite moments of being aware?

Being immersed in the moment truly makes you aware and feel alive, rather than the monotonous daily zombie actions of a routine that we are all susceptible to falling into if we don’t practise being aware.



Wow! And I was completely unaware of how important being aware was :)

What a beautiful example of being in the moment. Fully aware of everything going on around you. It was brilliant to use awareness to write the post, you were in the flow!

Awesome work dear,needs more of these blog posts.

The best blog in recent time as i am so glad to see you again.

Excellent blog,great explanation,thanks dear.

I am talking to them now. I am thinking that their coos are more coherent than many recent conversations with humans I’ve had. Pleasanter outcome too.

Agreed. Love bird coos. I enjoyed your stream of consciousness.

Being immersed in the moment truly makes you aware and feel alive, rather than the monotonous daily zombie actions of a routine that we are all susceptible to falling into if we don’t practise being aware.

It is a conscious practice, isnt it, but so worth it... 💚

A really lovely post @hopehuggs x

Mindfulness - it brings a state of calmness and awareness as well as bringing you back to the present when your mind has wandered off to negative things or those "What ifs" which might drain us mentally! Well written post on how to be aware and mindful of the surrounding!

yes living in the present moment, I find that I do that best when I am with my kids or in nature. Kids just do it all the time, everything they do, they do it with such passion and force xx

:D What a surprising way to put your meaning together. It made me smile and enjoy the now. It's raining while I'm reading this. I'm listening to the raindrops making music...