Great news indeed about new authors! And I can't wait to learn more about the 1up project!
I'm new to Steemit, and so is my 'Voyage Home' series. In regard to @TribeSteemUp, the series is covering Anarchy, Veganism, Mindfulness, Love (specifically of ALL), Esotericism, Truth, and (at some point) Original Music. I've been a musician for 35 years, and all my my material is centered upon spirituality and truth.
I'm now 60 and have so much to share from my research and experience, particularly in health and spirituality from the past 15 years. I feel my 'Voyage Home' series might be quite valuable to @TribeSteemUp because it comes (largely) from the perspective of properly returning folks to health they've never imagined, the RIGHT and SIMPLE way. This is critical because for most, their toxin-clogged lymphatic systems (along with arteries, brains, etc) render them too lethargic to effectively take on the task of awakening themselves, much less the world. And the solution is truly simple. Maybe not easy, but dirt simple, and FREE. I'm exploring the TRUTH of the human design, so folks can maybe think about how much fuller life will be if they can manage at least this one discipline, if not maybe one similar. If the masses can experience TRUE health (and CLARITY) for the first time, getting them on board with concepts such that we're discussing here would be tremendously facilitated.
I'd love to become part of the Tribe, and I'm hoping members will give 'The Voyage Home' a look and maybe agree. Regardless, I will continue on continuing on!!!
Much love!
Logan (@aware007)