We are the projector of our dream, having the inherent capability to tinker the screenplay by focusing WITHIN. We might say we are a tiny minority among billions of people, yet the vast majority is not aware of their creative power, hence they are in a state of dithering. The collective dream direction is defined by those few ones aware of their inner projector, and it is these Souls who influence the collective dream the most. Hence, the minority feels like the majority, or should I say we are a conglomerate of powerful Souls which can literally move houses? :)
Great pillars perfectly in resonance with my Soul's longing. This project energetically has the potential to become a story many people one day might call a legend or fairytale :)
Brilliantly worded you amazing soul. Let's co-create for the rest of mankind and open our hearts to the universe. May the fairytale be written by our actions!
I live in God & God lives in me ;)