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RE: Does everything have to be free on the hive blockchain?

in #tribes3 months ago

You already have exclusive content that you have to pay for (I think InLeo has), games (as you mentioned) that you have to buy a starter pack for, and some apps that you have to pay for (I think there's a plugin for WordPress).
So, I think it's a matter of developers and those who would consume/use it.
I don't mind; if there's something useful, I'll subscribe (like I subscribe to services outside Hive).
But, you have to remember that DHF is for, at least as a first step, if it's possible to do something for the community with support.
You can try - closing your service (The online course, for example); I mean, put it on a subscription (some LEN per week/month or Hive/HBD, it doesn't matter).


I think that it wouldn't be bad if the different apps offered advanced solutions that could provide an income for them. I would like to see an economy where the first way of financement isn't necessary the DHF.