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RE: Help me to make CTPSB better - Brainstorming

in #tribes2 months ago

Not a current CTPSB holder, but I've been peforming deep dives on Communities, and community tokens.

Gaining traction for a new community and getting it to a signifcant level of curation power is a challenge. Merging functions with Liotes would probably be a stronger play to preserve the value for the token holders, particularly if there is already significant community overlap with @Liotes

Reducing the amount of time you have to spend on administrative tasks is also likely a good thing. You would need to give some consideration on what the mechanics would look like for the new token, since Liotes has the LENM token (I hold a small quantity).

There's a lot to consider there but it sounds like you are on the right track.

Posted using The BBH Project


There's a lot to consider there but it sounds like you are on the right track.

It's true that a lot of things have to be taken into consideration and I believe it's important not to rush the process.

100% it's better to get it right, than to try to rush to a decision.