When we mention War, children who suffer because of it immediately come to mind.
Separate families, children without homes, hunger, desolation. For this reason for the theme chosen for this week for Trial By Comics, "War" simply came to mind the symbol of Peace.
For this reason I decided to draw a boy standing bravely in front of a War Tank, waving a flag with the symbol of Peace, putting his life in risk and facing an imminent death, I confess that it fills me with sadness but it is a reality, what bring the war.

Used materials:
- Pencils 4H, 3B and 7B.
- Draft.
- Diffuser

To begin I began to draw the lines of my initial sketch, for which I arranged the figure of a boy with his right arm raised waving a flag with the symbol of peace. In front of him, and at the back of the drawing, a tank of war that came approaching, and in the background we observed a city in ruins, smoking, destroyed by war.
The next thing was to start giving life to my drawing, with the help of the diffuser and pencil 3B and 7B, I started to deepen the lines, to give them lights and shadows, starting with the flag and the child, and later going to the tank.
Finally I gave small details to the background of the drawing, the city shattered, and placing shading.

They are loved. Kisses<3

Hello friend, I congratulate you for your drawing, keep moving forward, a very realistic message regarding the war, greetings and I wish you many successes.