Hi steemians!
I painted it for a unique presentation in a cinema of the Noir Version, in Mexico City two months ago. And I want to share it with you.This is my entry for the Trial by Comics Superheores Contest by @kommienezuspadt.
My tribute to the great Wolverine.
If it is not Hugh, at least it is Huge. lol
It is a perlescent cardboard of 65 x 105 cm, with india ink brush strokes, splats and washes and then scratched with a claw.. I meant an art knife for the lightest lights.
Sorry for the quality of the pics but this time the light did not want to help.
Even when I ended up seeing that he looked more like Van Gogh than Hugh Jackman, I am quite satisfied with the end result.
I was trying to get a kind of portrait from a reference photo, but whenever I think of Old Man Logan, I think of that hard man in the comic, with that look between anger and hopeless and despair. Also I liked his hand in clear sign of farewell and revenge.
Tell me what you think.
I hope you like it and see you soon around here wonderful artists. Keep up that good work.
It's great, my friend. Honestly. Truly. Really. And 65X105!? It is huge! I cannot draw huge portraits coz then I somehow mess up and don't capture the likeness... unless I use a grid, of course.. did you use one here? Also, is the whole thing done with ink? I'm gonna try ink sometime... yep I will... I've put it off for too long now.. I would really appreciate it, do check out my new charcoal sketch here 🙂

Thanks friend. I'm glad you like it ;)
I think it's brilliant! I would totally hang it on my wall.
Men, thanks for that compliment. I wish I had a wall where to hang it and not being intimidated by his look. hahaha
Hahah 😂
Loved the movie -- and this is a terrific illustration!
Thanks @zugart ;) have you seen the blue ray with that Noir Version ? I loved it. It looks quite dramatic.
Wow! This one looks superb! Your technique in this medium is amazing! And Logan is one of my favorites, so this is really really interesting for me!
100% upvoted! Keep it up!
Hello @thepeculiargeek, a million thanks. Sorry for not responding before but I have been busy with all the things that have happened in my city. I'm glad you like it. ;)