On February of 2017 a famous youtuber called Gregzilla was making a review of the game "Sonic Lost World", when he suddenly noticed the funny way in which Knuckles, one of the main characters, said "Oh no!". Then a great meme was born: Ugandan Knuckles. At that point many youtubers tried to popularize it by posting videos of “Knuckles Sings” -of which Smash Mouth’s “All Star” was my favorite- but they did not instantly succeed on the attempt.
It wasn’t until September of the same year that Knuckles went viral over a 3-D version of the character that served as a downloadable skin for anyone at VRChat; a network that allows Oculus Rift and HTC Vive owners to interact at a virtual world. Suddenly hundreds of players were yelling “You do not know the way” and clicking their tongues as part of a senseless (but funny) trend. The iconic line is believed to be inspired by a line in Who Killed Captain Alex? in which a character says “He knows the way of using a gun”
I hope you like my version of Ugandan Knuckles. This is a meme that will always be dear to my Millenial heart.

Nice post
Your character is better than the original. It has more quirkiness...