Captain James T. Kirk deserves all the admiration he currently possess, because he has been one of the bravest characters of Star Trek since its beginning. Kirk has always endured the physical and psychological struggles that universe throwed at him, and found his way out. There are many examples of this courage throughout his life.
Like the time when Commissioner Bele was in control of the Enterprise, and Kirk engaged him in a battle of will over control of the ship. Kirk was calm and collected while his rival activated the ship’s self-destruct protocol, ultimately forcing Bele to stop his mental control over the ship or risk the death of everyone on board.
When Kirk realized that both his crew and their Klingon foes were being manipulated by some sort of creature that fed on their hostility, so he forced himself to put his anger aside and convince the Klingons to lay down their arms and come together in good will, leading to the weirdest sound: a Klingon laugh. Memorable.
In conclusion; Captain Kirk is a hero and he deserves our respect. He is willing to fight others, and even himself, in order to save his crew. To show my personal admiration to this great character I drew his with his crew in front of the USS Enterprise.