ANOTHER red day in the crypto space today. These are indeed scary times for some people who are into cryptocurrencies, especially those who are new and who may have just started buying. I went live to see how my subscribers were feeling. If they were pooping bricks or if they were still feeling confident.
I have to admit, I am getting a bit nervous. But I am not trading and in it for a longer run but still no fun if you dont have fiat anymore to invest
Waits patiently and accumulates.
never ever stop buying, not on a dip and not when its high.
still SO much to be made in profit with these, these are growing pains for all of us
click here!This post received a 1.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @hackerwhacker! For more information,
I don't have the slightest clue when I am cashing out but I do know my numbers aren't even close yet so whatever happens between now and when my numbers approach is kinda like watching a high roller craps game in a casino just sitting back and enjoying the show.
Im not sweating this little pull back...I call it a buying opportunity Steemians, not like this meme!
lmao, that photo!!!
I lost quite a bit but just holdiing on, no need to be upset XD
I only wish I had more fiat, everything's on sale... ;-)
sell your house and clothes! its the only way!
Is anyone using tether to store value in the short term...? I get a queasy feeling when it comes to anything "tied" to fiat. If I'm out on the water in a boat I don't think I'd feel more safe if someone tied me to the hull of said boat...?
I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin...
Good for me when price is low, cause I will buy some crypto for the first time. I hope the price will stabalize and give me some cash. BTW I had a good laugh at your voice at the beginning :D
Scary times indeed buy remain strong and HODL!
whats a HODL?
Hold On for Dear Life
you sir, are my hero
i'm currently on hold,until the market regain it strength lol
Its only a matter of time before prices are right back where they were
It looks like the bears are winning this morning, BitcoinPlus went off again though!
I wrote about the problems that I see as all the currencies are tired to Bitcoin....bad move...
A lot of people looking solely for short term gains is properly feeling a little nervous, but the more educated long term investor should continue to feel confident in the wider outlook. Myself falling into the second camp here.
TONS of people got into the market while it was high expecting to have continued gains on a non stop basis, and these are nearly all people who know NOTHING about crypto, so now that the market has dipped these people have lost their minds and are draining the market
Indeed, couldn't agree more!
I'm just going to do the same thing your doing .. buy steem at a low price and power up :)
Don't worry about the recent fall, all cryptos are down, it is called a market correction and it happens to all asset markets from time to time. After prices go up high and quick lots of people start to pull out to realize their profits, other people believe that the market is overvalued and other people just get scared and run out. It is ideal to sell before the correction but if you find yourself in the middle of it it is best to hold your coins and wait for the rebound.
I am holding & buying some additional coins. Hopefully I am not throwing my money away.
no way, this is just the beginning of the crypto revolution! =D
You better believe it !
well, i am invested in the two stocks AAOI and SHOP and they are also in the red today. Really tough days for investors.
But it's important to believe in your strategy and follow it...
I think we're in full correction mode right now. I would just stay clear of the market for a bit. It's only a matter of time where we should be able to pick up some cryptocurrencies for a great price.
keep buying little btc to hold onto because i want it for genesis mining upgrades but steem is so tempting to buy...
I always say.... its easier for something thats 1 dollar to become 2 dollars than it is for something thats $2000 to become $4000.
I would think that steem is undervalued and should be around $10 a coin, i think its a great long term hold
I havent sold any bitcoins since I got in the space and I don't intend to for quite some time.
From my perspective either way the market goes it's a good thing. If it goes down that's the opportunity to buy, If it goes up you are making $$. It's win-win as long as it's a good coin.
also you need to have enough funds to be able to buy more coins..
You need rain in order to receive growth, the rainbow always comes after the storm.
very well said!
Much appreciated!!
Holddd !!
Bulls will come back hoooold!! :)

need to stay cam for some time until all the market caps are recovering .
BULLS Will be coming back soon and this time we will go through the ROOF! HOLD and you will be Happy long term =D Grats TREV Bro on reaching 10k Followers
NIKE Just Do It
Another awsome (almost) 2h talking with u and the followers about CC and other things ...
And congrtas for the 10k Subscriber ;)
Remember guys :
Does that mean his name is HoCoi now?
lol Yeah, i like his new name :)
Right now i'm just like him, my coin r trying to break out of my wallet and i'm trying to hold on and dont panic/sell :)
lmao ! hold on tight !!
It's scary but that is the nature of these markets. Just try to get as much out of them (relative to you ) as you can when the going is good - Thanks for posting !
I avoid to open my poloniex account
dont be afraid, embrace it
find out where you made a mistake, and never ever make it again
I am still holding all my portfolio. I am fucking nerveous!!!
I wrote several articles about this two days ago and why....of course the Whale Bullies and anarchists came out of the woodwork versus try to understand the real problems with the cyber coin industry for the short term. Steem and Bitcoin will mostly likely fall a lot further from here over the summer.
wooww... now I am scared!
They just smashed my page and article where it is suddenly hidden ...thus 100% proving my point....if the founders cannot stop this madness fast, then authors like me will be forced to post in Google to all 50,000 of our social media and then some....this has got to stop.....Steemit cannot allow cyber bullies whom Steemit is paying though Steem Power to sensor the news and free speech....
dont be nervous, this happens every few months, things will be back up in a week
Seen on Youtube 0_0 & The Sky leads up up Up UP ~ Keep on Stacking them Intangible Bits...
** Puts on seat belt and holds on **
Its gunna be a BUMPY ride
I rode with you all the way on that roller coaster! Screaming son, room change and all lol ! Good stuff my guy & congrats on hitting 10K subscribers. I shouted you out in my last blog check it out if you have a minute
Appreciate the upvote good sir! Power to the Steemians

i wish i could have more money to buy now.
But 1st is only 4 days away i will wait my paychek :))
Starting to see green, is this hope TJ??
Nice stream trev, this one made me laugh a little more than the others :P. hope you have a wonderful day, and ill stay tuned for tonight :D Grats on 10k subs btw!
Another interesting and educational intangible coin talk today!
Can you put your buy and sell order targets in advance so i can under cut you with my 30 Steem please. :)
dont panic guys! just hold and it will eventually go back up!
This guy knows what hes talking about
thanks! followed!
Bring those BOTTLES to the Baby TREV VIP Immediately!!
The best thing with the live show is the interaction between you and all of us on youtube. I love it :) You do a great job
nice discussion and informative, keep up the good work
I wrote several articles about this two days ago and why....of course the Whale Bullies and anarchists came out of the woodwork versus try to understand the real problems with the cyber coin industry for the short term. Steem and Bitcoin will mostly likely fall a lot further from here over the summer.
I am pretty glad I cashed out, but now ready to jump in again as soon as I see some support some where. The only Crypto I have left is what I transferred to Steem Power that has shriveled from 3k account value down to $2400 in no time lol.
These are good days, shake off the weak hands and buy at support!
Actually watching right now before you posted. Congrats on 10K subs!
It's a bad day for crypto.... As you said, early investors have taken their profit and are going for summer vacation...
Learned a lot from the stream this AM from you & the group! I agree that this is only the beginning of something BIG! Keep your heads up!
Yeah... A lot of opportunities for mid traders.
But a little bit hard psychologically for guys who invested a lot and think about crypto as long term investment.
What can you do..
Confident as EVER.
nothing about this dip has stopped me from buying more.
These things happen, and panic sells happen all the time, this wasnt the first one and this wont be the last. we ALL know prices will rise again soon, cryptos are simply on sale right now