Could you explain the difference between quantum computer power and GPU mining power? I know that quantum can calculate better than the fastest CPU, but how does it stack up against GPUs?
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Could you explain the difference between quantum computer power and GPU mining power? I know that quantum can calculate better than the fastest CPU, but how does it stack up against GPUs?
D-Wave and Google have compared the performance of a 1000+ qubit quantum computer called the D-Wave 2x against typical CPU, GPU clusters and state that the former is capable of solving CERTAIN problems up to 100 Million times faster than the classical systems. Note that these comparisons vary according to algorithms, problem type, scalability, etc.
They are way further then they say they already work with 64,000 qubits and mapped this whole world and know what everything is made out of and even the frequenties of our thoughts...they can even create humans with D-wave(software) combined with the building blocks of life (hardware)
Next thing you'll know, we will find out that the human race has been engineered by some alien race & this planet has Geo-politics written all over it..LOL

And don't get me started on this flat earth thing..
But seriously Tim, they are many years ahead of what we are being led to believe..
But me thinks that a lot of these concepts are mostly theoretic & still being developed in the labs located down in the DUMBs..
911 & frequencies, has a nice ring to it though..
I'm open to discussion Tim.....
To add to your question, how about the cost? Quantum(experimental still) $15-20million GPU/CPU$1K. As well it takes 25 kilowatts to operate, most of which is used keeping it at the proper temperature to in order to run stable enough to operate ~15 millikelvin (-273° C). Quantums will never be used to mine bitcoin in my opinion, because the algorithm auto adjusts to solve blocks at 10mins. Burning 25000watts of energy for 10mins to have the chance to get 12.5BTC (soon to be 6.25) would put the cost to produce a single Bitcoin into the stratosphere. As well, a blockchain only remains secure if there are 1000's of miners distributed across the globe, so as to not make a central point of failure/attack.
Me, personally I agree. I get it...really I do. But hell...If I had the money and the resources I would mine too. It doesn't take away from the fact that other folks would mine on a smaller scale than myself...But mining on a big scale in this case doesn't take away from the fact that it is still decentralized. Look...we need mining and miners. I tell folks all the time when I talk about Bitcoin...Bitcoin is one of the only investments out today that present 4 completely different scenarios for you to make money. You can invest, you can be faucet head, you can mine...or you can simply buy bitcoin and sit on it.